Formation Of Price Registration For Future And Possible Purchase Of Medicines, Medical Materials And Disinfection For Use In Samu 192 Sudoeste Do Pr Services. Quantity Determined By Estimate With Forecast Delivery Fragmented According To Consumption, Upon Prior Request.. Tranexamic Acid,Atropine Sulfate,Atropine Sulfate,Biperiden,Captopril,Clopidogrel,Sodium Chloride,Sodium Chloride,Sodium Chloride,Dextroketamine,Diazepam,Sodium Dipyrone,Dobutamine Hydrochloride,Scopolamine Butylbromide,Etomidate,Sodium Phenytoin,Flumazenil,Calcium Gluconate ,Glucose,Hydralazine,Isosorbide,Lidocaine Hydrochloride,Morphine,Nitroglycerin,Ringer,Sanitary Pad,Hypodermic Needle,Hypodermic Needle,Hypodermic Needle,Shaver,Aspirator For Gas Net,Rechargeable Battery,Urine Collector,Pear Medical Use,Surgical Field Disposable, Piercing-Cutting Material Collector, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Hospital Material, Gauze Compress, Surgical Drain, Surgical Drain, Surgical Drain, Surgical Drain, Medical Use Electrode, Medical Use Electrode, Special Equipment, Special Equipment, Needle Blood Collection Vacuum, Needle Collects Vacuum Blood, Spacer, Hospital Tape, Stethoscope, Infusion Pump Equipment, Filter, Needled Suture Thread, Needled Suture Thread, Flowmeter, Flowmeter, Chest Drainage Set, Lamp - Laryngoscope, Lamp - Laryngoscope, Disposable Sheet Usage Hospital, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Gas Therapy Mask, Gas Therapy Mask, Hospital Tape, Digital Oximeter, Collection Flask, Sterilization Packaging, Thermal Paper, Medical Use Sensor, Medical Use Sensor, Medical Use Sensor, Syringe ,Syringe,Lancet,Closed Tracheal Suction System,Closed Tracheal Suction System,Digestive Tract Probe,Digestive Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Clinical Thermometer,Instrumental Scissors,Strip Reagent,Tracheostomy Tube,Tracheostomy Tube,Tracheostomy Tube,Medical Equipment Accessory,Gas Cylinder Regulator Valve,Gas Cylinder Regulator Valve,Gas Cylinder Regulator Valve,Plastic Packaging