Bids Are Invited For Instrument Mse Air Purifer Hepa Filter , Automated Blood Culture System , Implant Removal Kit , Embryology Model , Plastic Tank Low End , Sprit Lamps , Stop Watch , L Moulds , Stone Carborundon , Salters Baby Weighing Scale Low End , Craft Water Testing Kit Low End , Airticuating Paper , Autoclave Handpiece , Composite Gun With Materiacl Kit , Debtal Polishind Burs , Dental Laboratory Lathe Low Noise , Glass Ionomer Cement , Local Drug Delivery Agents , Maxilary And Mandibular Extraction Foreeps And Elevators , Splinting Kit With Material , Straight Handpiece , Thermomere , Will Lamsprobe , Immunoassay Analyser , Multipara Monitor 7 Para , Bronchoscope , Ent Instument Set Medium End , Headlight Ent High End , Nose Instument Set Low End , Suction Pump Portable Edectromic , Fumigator For Fogging Machine , Balance Chemical , Blood Bank Refrigerator 600 Liter , B P Apparaturs High End , Digital Ph Meter , Distillation Plant , Haemogiobinometer , Stethoscope High End , B P Apparaturs , Weighing Machine , Lab Instrument Set Instrument , Vacuum Assisted Delivery System Low End , Plus Oximeter Hand Haid , Cautery Machine With Vessel Sealing , Baby Weighing Machine Make High End , Glucometer High End , Instrument Cabinet High End , Vacuum Assisted Delivery System High End , Resectoscope Low End , Resectoscope Lwith All Accessories Low End , Blood Pressure Recording Units ( Q2 ) Total Quantity : 110