Tenders Are Invited For Price registration for the acquisition of ophthalmic lensometer medical equipment fo ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Price registration for the acquisition of ophthalmic lensometer medical equipment for measurements of glasses and prism, to e performed in the units, contemplating the units of the Undersecretary for Promotion, Primary Care and Health Surveillance, Undersecretary of Hospital Care, Urgency and Emergency SMSRJ
Price registration for the acquisition of ophthalmic lensometer medical equipment for measurements of glasses and prism, to e performed in the units, contemplating the units of the Undersecretary for Promotion, Primary Care and Health Surveillance, Undersecretary of Hospital Care, Urgency and Emergency SMSRJ 1 LensometerLensometer, type measurement type 25d and cylindrical 10D, type eixocylindrical axis 0 »to 180¨, type lens for lenses 30 to 100mm diameter, type telas of liquid crystal, type compatile internal printer type, voltage, voltage Food 110220 AC Differentiated Vetarment: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE Margin: Non Quantity: 9 Supply UNIT: UNIT2 LENSOMERNERLENGER, Type Measurement Type 25D and Cylindrical 10D, type Axisocylindrical axis 0 »to 180¨, Lente lens type 30 to 100mm diameter, liquid crystal crystal type, type compatile internal thermal printer type, power voltage 110220 AC Differentiated Vetar: Type I exclusive MEEPPEPP Participation Decree 7174: Non APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE MARGIN : Non Quantity: 1 Supply Unit: Unit
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Rua Afonso Cavalcanti,nr.455 Cidade Nova Tel.021 22735413 Fax021 - Cidade Nova - Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
Contact No.
(0xx21) 29762022
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