Request For Proposals Are Invited For Scale For Weight For Weight And Height Measurement, Blood Pressure Machine Portable (Only Blood Pressure Measurement), Stethoscope, Blood Pressure Cuff For Adults Exlarge Size, Measuring Tape For Waist Circumference, Hammer Knee Reflex, Tuning Fork 128 Hz, Monofilament For Diabetic Foot Exam, Etc. Rfp Issuing Date 16-Nov-2022 Deadline For Receiving Offers 28-Nov-2022 Tender Link :
Contact Information
P.O. Box 11-0236, Riad El Solh, Beirut 1107 2020, Lebanon, Tel: +961-1350000 Ext. 2200, Fax: +961-1744463 Attn: Mr. Rabih Chehab
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