Tenders Are Invited For Eventual acquisition of electrical materials for the VE PC M577 A2 revitalization pr ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Eventual acquisition of electrical materials for the VE PC M577 A2 revitalization project, according to conditions, quantities and requirements estalished in this instrument
Eventual acquisition of electrical materials for the VE PC M577 A2 revitalization project, according to conditions, quantities and requirements estalished in this instrument 1 Grounding rod to ground, copper material, cylindrical type, copper coating, lenh 2400 mm, diameter 58 in, additional characteristics covered minimum 025 mmtreation differentiated: Type I exclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: NON APPLICAILITY Margin Preference: Non QUANTITY: 47 SUPPLY UNIT: UNIT2 SOLDARFERRO IRON WELDING, POWER 55 W, VOLTAGE 220 V, ELECTRONIC CONTACTS WELDING, PLANNING TIP, REMOVALE TIP TIP, COPPER MATERIAL, ADDITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS WITH SUPPORT Differentiated Renorestation: Type I Exclusive Participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non QUANTITY: 2 Supply UNIT: UNIT3 ELECTRICAL CALE LOW POWER TENSAN ELECTRIC POWER Low voltage, Copper Driver Material, Cale Formation 4 x 25 mm2, isolation voltage 061 kV, coverage material Non Halogenated Thermoplastic Compound, NR13248 Technical Standards, COVER COLOR
Contact Information
Av. Francisco M. Albizu, 320 - Bairro Bacacheri - - Curitiba (PR)
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