1 Purchase unit Buy in situ of cabin or aluminum screen composed with radiological protection of 1 mm in lead with white ACM finish, you must include its respective glass window with radiological protection equivalent to 26 mm with the measures of 900 × 600 × 12 mm, the door must be folding simple with measures of 090 × 210 meters plumb 1 mm, the cabin will be placed in the corner and its three walls will give to the interior of the X -ray room, the wall of the cabin will have different Measures starting with 1 × 225 meters wall, from wall B where the window will be a measure of 106 × 225 meters, the wall C where the door is will have 130 × 225 meters the cabin will have an equivalent of 307 m² m² And it will be placed in a semi -octagon configuration, others its respective X -ray indication lamp
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Dr. Leobardo Padilla
Dr. Leobardo Padilla 662-0107/ 28 leobardopadilla@yahoo.com
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