Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition of equipment for the Central Pulic Health Laoratory of the State of Serg ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition of equipment for the Central Pulic Health Laoratory of the State of Sergipe, deserted and failed items of PE 2162021 and canceled from PE 2832022, according to detailed specifications contained in this Notice
Acquisition of equipment for the Central Pulic Health Laoratory of the State of Sergipe, deserted and failed items of PE 2162021 and canceled from PE 2832022, according to detailed specifications contained in this Notice 1 Clinical Diagnosis Equipment Equipment Clinical Diagnosis, Fluorimetry Method, Digital Adjustment Adjustment, Control CPAINEL, programming L, capacity up to 1000 tues, accessories w reader arcode, additional sound alarm and visual, additional characteristics for detection and test sensitivity MICOACTERY DIFFERENTIATED STRATED STRATEGURE: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non QUANTITY: 1 UNIT: UNIT2 ANALYTICAL ALANCE ANALYTICAL ALANCE, CAPACITY 320 g, 01 mg Diameter 90 mm Dish, TFT TouchScreen Panel Type, Additional Characteristics Connection US, RS232, voltage 110220V V, Time Measurement 15 s, Frequency 5060 Hztrament Differentiated: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non QUANTITY: 1 UNIT: UNIT3 PHELETRODE MEASURES MEASURES , Components ody glass nc connection ceramic junction, temperature work 0 to 90 ¨C, Operation Range Acidity 0 to 14, Additional Characteristics RefAgCl System, pH 0 to 1
Contact Information
Av. Augusto Franco, Bairro Ponto Novo, Nº 3.150, Cep 49.047-040, Aracajuse - Ponto Novo - Aracaju (SE)
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