Tenders Are Invited For eventual acquisition of animal feed and maraval for the Equine Plant of the lack Nee ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For eventual acquisition of animal feed and maraval for the Equine Plant of the lack Needles Military Academy (AMAN), according to conditions, quantities and requirements estalished in this Notice and its annexes
1 Animal Animal Ration, Minimum ingredients 18 crude protein, animal species, alanced type Differentiated treatment: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non applicaility Preference margin: Non Quantity: 330000Unity Supply: kilogram2 Animal animal feed, minimum ingredients 18 animal protein, animal species Horses, alanced Type Differentiated Treatment: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non QUANTITY: 20000 SUPPLY UP: kilogram3 mineralsal salt, sodium chloride ingredients, ventilated sulfur icá L Phosphate, eef Cattle Application, Dosage Components Max 7, Sodium Chloride 3231The Differentiated Treatment: Type I Exclusive Participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE: Non Quantity: 3500Unity SUPPLY: kilogram4 phenofen, composition tifton grass hay 85, minimum additional characteristics of raw protein, application animal treatment differentiated: Applicaility Decree 7174: non applicaility Preference margin: Non Quantity: 50000 supply unit: kilogram5 phenofene, composition tifton hay tifton 85, minimum additional characteristics of12 gross protein, application animal diet differentiated: Type I exclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: non applicaility Preference margin: Non QUANTITY: 20000
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Endereo:Rodovia Presidente Dua, Km 306 - Resenderj - - Resende (RJ)Telefone:(0xx24) 33884635Fax:(0xx24)
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(0xx24) 33884635
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