Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition FlipChart Easel, Flip Chart paper and erases intended for the Attorney G ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition FlipChart Easel, Flip Chart paper and erases intended for the Attorney Generals Office and Prosecutors headquarters
1 Flip Flip Chartquadro Flip Chart, Material Material Wood, Wood ackground, Natural ackground, Width 90 cm, height 60 cm, additional characteristics w wood easel 160 m, adjustale Differentiated Treatment: Type I EXCLUSIVE PARTICIPATION OF ME EPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 25 Supply UNIT: Unit2 Flip ChartPapel Flip Chart, Material Recycled Paper, GRAMATURE 75 gm2, Dimensions 960 X660 mm, Differentiated Natural Treatment: Type I Exclusive Participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE MARGIN: Non QUANTITY: 40 supply UNIT: lock 5000 FL3 White Frame White Framework, Material RECICLED PLASTICAL ODY, 1550 cm, width 5 cm, height 330 Differentiated CMTRAPTION: Type I Exclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 40 Supply Unit: Unit
Contact Information
Endereo:202 Norte, Av. Lo 4, Conj. 1, Lotes 5 e 6 Plano Diretor Norte - - Palmas (TO)Telefone:(0xx63) 32167619Fax:(0xx63)
Contact No.
(0xx63) 32167619
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