(1 unit) Contact resistance meter low resistance meter; 01 µ to 20; Cat IV 600V Screen that clearly shows large digits for test results and is visible in all lighting conditions a single button to save the test results and automatically save in IP54 automatic mode for protection against dust and rain During clearly visible LED and P tests that show the continuity of current connections and potential Soft CC output in C1 and C2 Safety Classification Cat IV 600 Vac/500 DV in all background light terminals for low light conditions Selection of rotating switch of test modes and off position Rotary view selection, download and elimination of rapid and simple test selection results 1X 1X Meter Factory Calibration Certificate 1x Test Certificate 1x Fast Start Guide 1x CD containing the guide of the user 1x Power cable better or similar to the megger brand model dlro100e ___________________________a suppliers: _____________________________________ *For more detail request specifications to the mail described below *Submit only one offer by commercial house, indicating brand and model of the product offered *Submit technical specifications of the product offered for evaluation *Refer to the purchase process number published on the ONCAE page *Include product guarantee time (if applied) *Place of delivery of the product: warehouse the door, San Pedro Sula *Include taxes corresponding *Offer only the requested *The offer must be submitted and sealed in a closed envelope, with the general data of the company and must be delivered at the Government Civic Center, body building under C, 5th Level, in the Secretariat of General Services /Purchases *Buy the credit, payment method through SIAFI; Interested please send offer to the purchasing unit in ATEN EVELIN AGUILAR EAGUILARF@eneehn/ cel 3391-0190/ 2232-8176 *In case its represented is awarded in this process, it enters it for breach of the delivery of the product without any justification of Merit, the application of the fine established in article 76 of the General Provisions of the current Budget Note will proceed: by means When your offer meets the conditions required by the ENEE
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Ing. Roberto Antonio Ordoñez
Ing. Roberto Antonio Ordoñez 2235-2977 compras2@enee.hn
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