Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition of dental materials to maintain the activities of oral health programs i ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition of dental materials to maintain the activities of oral health programs in the municipality of São Félix de Minas MG
1 Dental retractor to dental, silicone material, mouth opener type, self taught sterility, lock format, adult and childrens size, differentiated conjunctation presentation: Type I exclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: non applicaility Preference margin: Non Quantity: Non QUANTITY: 30 Supply Unit: Unit2 Phosphoric Phosphoric Acid, Alkyl Composition Ethoster Etoxilated, Concentration 28 wV, Concentrated Emulsifying Presentation Differentiated Treatment: Type I Exclusive Participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: NON APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE: Non QUANTITY: 160 : LITRO3 Parts accessories Specialized equipment accessories specialized equipment, application 4 pneumatic Micro puncture recorder, reference 3 13688, type 11 cartridge Pin 25 Differentiated lightage: Type I Exclusive participation of ME EPP EquippedPlicail Age Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non QUANTITY: 30Unity of supply: Unit4 dental dental adhesive, Activator type for self pollination, differentiated liquid transmission: Type I exclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: non applicaility preference margin margin : Non Quantity: 80 UNIT UNIT: Unit5 Dental Setor Dental Fractor, Plastic Material, Lip Lip Material, Doule Type Model With Metal Stem, Self Memer Sterility Differentiated Treatment: Type I EXCLUSIVE PARTICIPATION OF MEEPPEQUIPALAILITY APPLICAILITY DECREE 7174: Preferaly: Non Quantity: 10 Supply Unit: Unit
Contact Information
Endereo:Rua Frei Inocncio, N 236, Ceno - - SO FLIX DE MINAS (MG)Telefone:Fax:
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