Tenders Are Invited For Price registration, for future and eventual acquisition of multimedia equipment, aim ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Price registration, for future and eventual acquisition of multimedia equipment, aiming to meet the needs of this State Secretariat of Works and Pulic Services SEOSPRO
1Protective ox EquipmentKits Mirrorless Camera with RF 24105mm F4L IS USM FullFrame Sensor 45 Megapixel and Digic X 45 Megapixel Processor Up to 20 Photographs per second presentation of portraits and ackground reiliments use the ackground Dual pixel raw to adjust lighting on the face of the reason or to apply sharpness only to the ottom when shooting landscapes the image stailization in the ody works in conjunction with the ojective SI system to provide up to 8 points of digic x image, size 360 x 240 mm Sensor LCD Screen 32´ 21m Dot LCD with variale angle and TouchScrend Differentiated: (Open Participation Item) Applicaility Decree 7174: Non APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE Margin: Non QUANTITY: 7 SUPPLY UNIT: UNIT UNIT2 ELECTRONICOMALE OX ELECTRONICOMALTE Transport ´Case´ Interior: 277 ´ × 21´ × 155 ´ 4 strong polyurethane wheels with earings of stainless steel (wheel diameter is 53 cm) stackale waterproof, crushing and dustproof proof reinforced corners open cell core with solid wall design strong and lightweight strap interior (C × L × P): 2770 x 2098 x 155 in (704 x 533 x 394 cm) Exterior (C × L × p): 3128 x 2421 x 1748 POL (795 x 615 x 444 cm) PID DEPENS: 325 ´ (83 cm) Lower depth: 1214 ´ (308 cm) Differentiated treatment: Type I Participation EXCLUSIVE MEEPPEQUIPMENT APPLIANCAILITY DECREE 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non QUANTITY: 8 supply UNIT: UNIT3 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT OX DIMENSIONS: 787 x 1432 x 1227mm Weight: 435 g Other features: Personalized Functions: 15 Functions Personal Functions (Personal Functions): 6 Functions, the maximum guide numer is approximately 60m to ISO 100 It ranges from approximately 26m to 60m according to flash coverage (20 to 200 mm) when the extensile wide panel is pulled out, the flash cover is 14 mm and the guide numer is approximately 492 differentiated: differentiated: Type I exclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 7 Supply UNIT: UNIT4 CASH ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT MIRROORLESS CAME WITH RF 24105mm F4L IS USM FULL FRAME from 45 megapixels and Digic x 45 Megapixel processor up to 20 photograms per second presentation of portrait reilimination and ackground usage Dual Pixel Raw to adjust lighting on the face of the reason or to apply sharpness only to the ottom when shooting landscapes to image stailization In the ody it works in conjunction with the ISS system of its own to provide up to 8 points Digic X image PProcessor, 360 x 240 mm NSor LCD Screen 32´ 21m Dot LCD with variale angle and TouchScrend Differentiated: Type III EXCLUSIVE MEEPPEQUATED PARTICIPATION (Item 1) Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin : Non Quantity: 2 Supply Unit: Unit
Contact Information
Endereo:Rua Rio Madeira, 3056 - Bairro Flodoaldo Pontes Pintoro - - Porto Velho (RO)Telefone:Fax:
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