Instructions to bidders ¿Invitation: cordially an invitation is extended to present formal quotation and participate in the smaller purchase process 13-15, 18 and the UMEP 1 and 2 ¿INSTRUCTIONS: Wing the offer presented must contain the following data: Exact address, RTN, Telephone, Name of the contact person, delivery term, brands and product guarantee, duly signed and sealed; Likewise, they must only consider the specifications and quantities described here, indicating the unit and total price for each item, and in the cases that apply, the Sales Tax otherwise, its offer will be disqualified Secretary of Security will execute the purchase based on the Available budget and in the cases that correspond, will make the necessary adjustments, in order not Start from the presentation of the full documents for payment management (invoice, proof of updated fiscal solvency of the SAR, reception minutes) Presentation of the quotes: The time and deadline for submitting offers will be the day: Friday, July 22, July 22 of 2022, at 03:00 pm, at the facilities of the Purchasing Management Unit, located in the Secretariat of Security, EDI FICIO OF THE SUB MANAGEMENT OF MATERIAL RESOURCES, ALDEA THE OCOTAL, ROAD TO MATEO, 100 METERS BEFORE THE MARTE PARAGE FIELD, COMAYAGÜELA, FRANCISCO MORAZÁN. and/or requested services, otherwise, its offer will be disqualified provider must indicate in the contribution the deadline in which the delivery will be delivered in the delivery deadlines will result in application of 036 as a fine for each day of delay, without that there is prior notification; The foregoing, in accordance with the General Provisions of the 2022 CLAKING Budget must be valid for at least 30 days schedul If the supplier who is awarded the purchase not this, he will have 3 business days to send it, otherwise the process will be awarded to the supplier with the second most advantageous offer, the above according to what is established In article 29 of the General Provisions of Budget Decree 30-2022 the offers that do not comply with the required specifications, which do not present the files and guarantee requested will be disqualified Technical specifications and description of the products: CM-GAG-2022-DNPSC- 039-255N ° Inputs Quantity Presentation1Papel Bond 20 LETTER SIZE638 DESMAS2PAPEL BOND 2 0 OFFICE 0 SIZE593 LAPAPEL BOND 20 LEGAL SIZE32 LEAVING COTATION MUST INCLUDE A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT SECTION TO OFFERBORBFORD OF DELIVERY: SINGLE LOT (ONE DELIVERY) DELIVERY CLASS , Ancient facilities of the Anapo, in the central warehouse of the administrative management for more information or clarification of doubts, these must be carried out through the Stevenperalta email1810@gmailcom, Cellular 33883311 Secretariat of Security