1 2und, 3/4 x 13 PLG Base Material: Reinforced concrete, concrete, masonry, brick, limestone head shape: multiple cutter new intelligent head of tugsten carbide for lower wear and further drills with the accuracy required for The placement of innovative anchoring solid carbide head with gradient technology is capable of the propeller with four spirals and the geometry of the head causes a consistent, fast and progressive drilling to be drill Suitability to insert and aju exclusive guarantee function: the drill will be replaced in case of break , Limestone head shape: multiple cutter new smart head of tugtsten carbide for less wear and more drills with the accuracy required Da for the placement of innovative anchassase solid carbide head with gradient technology is capable of the propeller with four spirals and the geometry of the head causes a consistent, rapid and progressive drilling to be drilling. Verify the suitability to insert and aju exclusive guarantee function: the drill will be replaced in case of break Concrete, masonry, brick, limestone head shape: Multiple cutter new smart head of tugstene carbide for less wear and more drills with the accuracy required for the placement of innovative anchorous innovative solid carbide head with gradient technology is capable of the propeller with Four spirals and head geometry make a more consistent, fast and progressive perforation during all the useful life of The head Brocaa heading of the head verifies the suitability to insert and aju exclusive guarantee function: the drill will be replaced in case of breakage, provided that the wear mark is visible in the propeller4 2rol, 1 1/4 x 10 meters measured tape Tape printed on both sides, covered with lacque Yellow tape5 3und, conduit tube bending up to 1 inch robust bodies, molten in ductile iron bending angles of 30 ° to 90 ° NPT threaded murders to hold the wide and anti -dating ways for a better leverage and greater marks are relieved for relief for Align quickly and easily Ø 35 mm thin wall 1 "thick wall 3/4" 6 3kit, fingering game with racco, 5 different options can be used, including metric dice and SAE, including Standard tip, pH illis torx and hexagonal tips given hexagon 6,7,9,10 and 11 mm, given 1111) 30 mm tips, tort T6, T8, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27 and T30, Plan 30 , 40, and 70 mm, Phillips 9H0.9H1, PH2 and PH3 Hexagono 15,20,2 7 3und, Standard Punta Unattender 3/8 "X12 Plan 'Basic Mangos with four lobes ergonomically designed for older Color-encoded torque and comfort facilitating the rapid identification of the folding the thermotred steel alloy bars for larger nickel-resistant duration resistant to reinforced anti-disseminating plastic oxide. Torques and impacts with lighting bars in chrome vanadioratic steel thermally and chrome8 3und, standard disagreement standard x6 pHillips flat tip type: phillips 3largo of