1 Analytical Reagent 2 Analytical Reagent 2, Reagent Karl Fischer solution, composition* iodine, imidazole and 2 methylimidazozoltreation: Type I exclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE Margin: Non QUANTITY: 5 supply unit: ottle 500,00 G2Chemical chemical compound, composition* diclor [1,3dimesile2imidazolidinilidene], composition ** (enziliden) is (3romopyridine) ruthenium (II), presentation* Green orgruous powder, chemical formula * C38H40R2CL2N4RU, PURITY GRADE* Minimum purity of 98, CHEMICAL REFERENCE NUMER ** CAS 900169531The Differentiated Treatment: Type IEXCLUSIVE PARTICIPATION OF MEEPPEQUIPMENT APPLICAILITY DECREE 7174: NONAPPLICAILITY PREFERENCE MARGIN: NonQuantity: 6 : Grama3 Culture medium, culture medium, roth type nutrient, Differentiated Powder Presentation: Type I Exclusive Participation of MEEPPEquippedPlicaili Dade Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 6 Supply Unit: Gram4 Reagent, Type 4 Viral Transport, 4 Components 4 Sodium Chloride, Stailizer and Antiiotic, Additional Character 4 Sterile, DNASE FREE AND DIFFERENTIATED RNASETRATE: Type I EXCLUSIVE PARTICIPATION OF MEEPPEQUIPPED APPLICAILITY DECREE 7174: NON APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE Margin: Non QUANTITY: 8 supply unit: ottle 2500 G5 CaffeineCaffein, Physical aspect White Crystalline Powder, Chemical Formula C8H10N4O2 Anhydrous, Molecular Weight 19419 GMol , Degree of purity minimum purity of 995, additional characteristic of analytical reference, chemical reference numer 58082 differentiated treatment: Type Iexclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: NonAPPLICAILITY PREFERENCE MARGIN: NONQUANTITY : 8 supply unit: kilogram
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