1 Compression system for compression, non pneumatic tourniquet, tactical application, for pre hospital care, nylon strap model, with color, type adjustale closure w velcro, uckle and pressure ar, type reusale treatment differentiated: type: type I Exclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 43 UNIT: UNIT2 COMPRESSION SYSTEM COMPRESSION SYSTEM, Non Pneumatic Tourniquet, Tactical Application, PRE HOSPITAL SERVICE, Nylon Strip Model , W color, self adjustale closing type w velcro, uckle and pressure ar, type I use differentiated treatment: Type I exclusive participation of ME EPP Equipped Applicaility Decree 7174: non applicaility Preference margin: Non Quantity: 30 Supply Unit: Unit3 Compressive system for compression, non pneumatic tourniquet, tactical application, for service to Ré Hospital, model elt in nylon, w color, type self adjustale closure with velcro, uckle and pressure ar, type I use differentiated treatment: Type I exclusive participation of ME EPP Equipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non application margin Preference: Non Quantity : 10 supply unit: Unit4 andage andage, elastic type, synthetic faric and cotton mesh, additional compression indicator component, dimension aout 10 cm x 3 m, color w color, individual roll packaging, type reusale use differentiated : TYPE I EXCLUSIVE PARTICIPATION OF MEEPPEQUIPPED APPLICAILITY DECREE 7174: NON APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE Margin: Non QUANTITY: 43 UNIT: UNIT5 ANDAGE andage, Elastic Type, Additional Emergency Character, Synthetic Faric Material and Cotton, Additional Component w Pressure applicator, dimension aout 15 cm x 5 m, packaging individual packaging, Sterile Use Type, Differentiated UNICOTTRATE USE: Type I Exclusive MEEPPEQUIPPED PARTICIPATION APPLIANCAILITY DECREE 7174: NON APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE Margin: Non QUANTITY: 43Unity Supply: Unit