Tenders Are Invited For Service Price Record: Item 1 Photography and item 2 Filming of events and solemnitie ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Service Price Record: Item 1 Photography and item 2 Filming of events and solemnities of the Florianópolis Judicial Susection, Judicial Section of Santa Catarina
1 Photographic Service Photographic Service The company must send photographer to perform full coverage of the event under the terms requested in the service order to e sent Photographic records should e performed with SLR digital technology camera, with minimal resolution of 242 mega pixels photos, so that photos are provided in treated files in Pen Drive The photography service will e accounted for for a period when the photographer will e availale to the administration, covering the event indicated from eginning to end this period will include a preevent meeting scheduled in advance, at the discretion of the administration, already included in the prices presented, not may e charged additional time and other specifications contained in the term of reference 2131 is considered as a minimum time of 4 (four) hours of coverage (previous meeting plus event coverage) Differentiated treatment: Applicaility Decree 7174: non applicaility Preference margin: Non QUANTITY: 1 SUPPLY: UNIT2 LEASE OF AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT SOUND VIDEO FILMING AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL SOUND VIDEO FILMING IMAGE SHAPS SHOULD E MADE WITH DIGITAL CAMERA IN MINIMUM HD RESOLUTION OF 720P (1280X720) OR FULL HD 1080P (1920X1080 ), whether all images, edited or not, will e free use of the administration The numer of equipment to e used should e appropriate to the need for the event (use of one or more cameras), with a difference in values under the attachment For the definition of the proper numer of cameras, the company will proceed with what it considers most appropriate, suject to the approval of the administration, which may definitively indicate the numer of cameras that it understands adequate The contractor should provide all the necessary material (cameras, atteries, pen drive media, rions, cales, connectors, microphones, monitors, cutting tales, tripods and rackets, lighting, among others) to e used in filming work and other specifications contained in the Differentiated Treatment Term: Papplicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 1 UNIT UNIT: UNIT
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