Tenders Are Invited For Price registration for the acquisition of various consumer materials for UFSM sector ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Price registration for the acquisition of various consumer materials for UFSM sectors in Santa Maria and Frederico Westphalen (plate, noteook, calendar, marker, urinal, pillow)
1 Acrylic Warning Frame Identification: Lenh 30 cm, Width: 20 cm thickness 2 to 3mm, Application: Identification Additional Characteristics: Vertical Display with Doule Faculture Differentiated Doule Faculture: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 60Unity SUPPLY: UNIT2 96 leaf stapler with: 3 mm spiral note and galvanized wire \\, hardcover \\, formatode university ook \\, dimensions: 202 mm wide x 280mm high with 96 margin and guided sheets, weight Sheet 63 gm², white leaves, containing on the Custracapa Custom Layouts to e sent y the applicant, in 4 colors will send Physics Differentiated PHYSICALTARY: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE Margin: Non QUANTITY: 1000 supply unit: Unit3 Type Changing type of tale, size 14 x 21 cm, amount of leaves: 13 (thirteen), in matte 150g couchê paper, print They are 4x4 (printedcolored front and ack) ase of the triplex paper calendar, 350g weight 4x0 printing (printedcolored on one side), doule finish the calendar layout will e produced y the visual programmer of UFSM Campus Frederico Westphalentrament Differentiated: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 2000 Supply UNIT: UNIT4 PAIRPERMARKING FOR WHITE Frame, Soft Tip not to damage the frame, easily erases 60mm polyester tip, 23mm writing thickness, Special, refill and replaceale (rechargeale) color defined in commitment, etween lue, lack, red or green Differentiated treatment: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non applicaility Preference margin: Non QUANTITY: 400Unity Supply: Unit5 Small individual furniture with integrated siphon , white color produced in dishes (composition: clay, feldspar, kaolin, v IDD and inorganic dyes) with high duraility and resistance to acts of depredation, vandalism and theft, suitale for pulic environments with upper hole for installation of M715 M715 Reference model valve or similar approximate dimensions: Height 535 mm, width 320 mm , lenh 270 mm Price per unit Differentiated Treatment: Applicaility Decree 7174: non applicaility Preference margin: Non Quantity: 2 Supply Unit: Unit
Contact Information
Endereo:Av. Roraima, 1.000 Campus Universiio, Camobi - - Santa Maria (RS)Telefone:(0xx55) 32208189Fax:(0xx55)
Contact No.
(0xx55) 32208189
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