1 Rental of excavation machines earthmoving agricultural roller compactor new roller reills manufactured at the maximum 60 months efore the signing of the contract, with driver, fuel, feeding, transportation, preventive and corrective maintenance, mechanical and repairs in general, meter Fuel, Horimeter and Tracked Differentiated Treasting: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 1000 Supply UNIT: UNIT2 LEASE OF LEAVING TERMPER AGRICULTURAL CAMINA Signature of the and corrective, mechanical and repairs in general, fuel meter, contract horimeter, with driver, fuel, feeding, transportation, preventive maintenance and differentiated trackout: Applicaility Decree 71 74: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 2200 Supply UNIT: UNIT3 LOCAL EXPARNING AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Hydraulic tires, minimum 130 HP, with cacoa At least 190 mt made at the maximum 24 months efore the signing of the contract, with driver, fuel, feeding, transportation, preventive and corrective maintenance, mechanical and repairs in general, fuel meter, horimeter and differentiated trackout: Pelaility Decree 7174: non application Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 4000 Supply UNIT: UNIT4 LEASE OF LEARNING EXPARNING AGRICULTURAL ROLLER 2 01 (one) ROLLER VIRATORY ROLLER CO: diesel engine with minimum power from 11000 HP to 220000 rpm Hydrostatic transmission minimum operating weight of 1000000 kg Doule traction, drum and rear wheels Hydraulic drive viration system Viration frequency of at least 2900 Hz Lowhigh nominal amplitude at least 075170 mm maximum speed and ramp capacity of at least 500 kmh ramp clim with at least 3000 viration Minimum compaction range of 210000 mm With operator, comustile, food, transportation, preventive and corrective maintenance, mechanical and general repairs, fuel meter, horimeter and tracker, for any day and time (usiness days, weekends and holidays), maintenance and inputs in charge of Contractor Main Activities: To compact natural or corrected soils and or compress and regularize the elements used in the paving of streets and other works Differentiated treatment: Applicaility Decree 7174: non applicaility Margin Preference: Non QUANTITY: 4000 supply unit: Unit5 Location of excavation machines Earthmoving umpy truck 2 tilting path 01 (one) tilting truck made of 60 months with 6x4 traction Total Gross Weight Minimum PT of 2300 ton Comined Total Gross Weight Minimum PTC of 4200 ton Maximum tensile capacity minimum CMT of 4200 ton Diesel of 600 in line cylinders, with turocompressor Maximum power minimum of 26000 hp Maximum torque minimum of 95 m kgf CAAMA (CAAMA) in AO according to standards in force and minimum thickness of 316´, platter and ooster columns in profiles in U, rear cover with opening and closing mechanisms, minimum umping capacity of 600 M3 Outside Taking for CAAMA Survey with the cargo the ullshit All components of the vehicle that only taxale for inspection and certification y INMETRO shall e inspected and certified, all the inspection and certification will e due to the contractor with properly qualified drivers With operator, fuel, feeding, transportation, preventive and corrective maintenance, mechanical and general repairs, fuel gauge, horimeter and tracker for any day and time (usiness days, weekends and holidays) Preventive and corrective maintenance, Differentiated PTtitude Replacement: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 2000S Supply: Unit