Tenders Are Invited For acquisition of computer material and equipment (tripod, lens, workstation, noteook, ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For acquisition of computer material and equipment (tripod, lens, workstation, noteook, desktop computer, monitor, talet), aiming to meet the needs of administrative units, secretariats, foundation, pension fund and municipalities of JiParaná, according to quantities and specifications descried in the notice and its attachments
1 Camera Piece Accessory 2M Lighting FilmMapipe with 03 Sections Specifications: Compatiility: 14 "pin fitting equipment or fast coupling Material Composition: Aluminum and Resistant Plastic Measurements: Maximum height: 2 meters | CLOSED TROPE Height: 68cm Average weight: 780 grams Items Included: 1x Lighting tripod 2m Differentiated Treatment: Type I Exclusive MEEPP ParticipationEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non QUANTITY: 4 UNIT: Unit2 1635mm F28GM Digital Camera F28GM Specifications: FullFrame Mounting Lens Opening Range: F 4 to F 22 An AA element four Aspherical Elements Three Extra Low Dispersion Elements * Linear Self Focus Motor Internal Focus Steadyshot Image Optical Stailization Dust and Moisture Resistant Construction Differentiated: Type I exclusive participation of MEEPPEquipped Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 1 Supply Unit: Unit3 Microcomputer Delating Warkstation Specifications 1 Performance 2 Main Plate 21 The motheroard must contain the following devices and resources, in the minimum quantities indicated or higher, all integrated, welded on the main plate as part of the manufacturers architecture project, not eing allowed to install expansion plates or accessories to Any of the required resources: 22 4 (four) US 30 ports, connected directly to the motheroard without the use of hus andor PCI adapters 23 (one) PCI slot 24 1 (one) PCI Express X1 Gen 2 25 1 (one) PCI Express X4 Gen 2 26 2 (two) PCI Express X16 Gen 3 slots 27 01 (one) SATA 3 or higher disc control 6gps with RAID support 0, 1 and 5, compatile with the other peripherals specified for the equipment 28 Solid State Drive (SSD), SAS and SATA 29 TPM (TRUSTED PLATFORM MODULE) version 12 or higher, or equivalent device, accompanied y drivers and software for implementation and management requirements complete it is in the annex, and software software II of the Differentiated Pulic Notice: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 30 UNIT UNIT: UNIT4 Microcomputer DelatingCota of item 03 EXCLUSIVE PARTICIPATION MEEPP and TORKSTATION SPECIFICATIONS 1 Performance 2 Main Plate 21 The motheroard must contain the following devices and resources, in the minimum quantities indicated or higher, all integrated, welded on the main plate as part of the manufacturers architecture project, not eing allowed to install expansion plates or accessories to Any of the required resources: 22 4 (four) US 30 ports, connected directly to the motheroard without the use of hus andor PCI adapters 23 (one) PCI slot 24 1 (one) PCI Express X1 Gen 2 25 1 (one) PCI Express X4 Gen 2 26 2 (two) PCI Express X16 Gen 3 slots 27 01 (one) SATA 3 or higher disc control 6gps with RAID support 0, 1 and 5, compatile with the other peripherals specified for the equipment 28 Solid State Drive (SSD), SAS and SATA 29 TPM (TRUSTED PLATFORM MODULE) version 12 or higher, or equivalent device, accompanied y drivers and software for implementation and management requirements complete it is in the annex, and software software II of the Differentiated Pulic Notice: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non Applicaility Preference Margin: Non Quantity: 10 Supply UNIT: UNIT5 Microcomputers Shop Noteook Specifications The offered processor model must have a maximum of 14 nanometers and should e the latest generation availale y the manufacturer of the equipment must have at least 4 nuclei and 4 threads It should have at least 6M of RAM cache memory, with the following characteristics: DDR4 type with us support of at least 2400 MHz Have at least 16 (sixteen) G of RAM, operating at least 2400 MHz The equipment must have 2 (two) Sodimm slots and withstand a minimum expansion of 32G Complete Minimal Requirements is found in Annex II of the Differentiated Pulic Notice: Applicaility Decree 7174: Non APPLICAILITY PREFERENCE Margin: Non Quantity: 28 Supply Unit: Unit
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Endereo:Rua Dos Brilhante, 130 Bairro Urup - Urup - Ji-Paran (RO)Telefone:(0xx69) 34164043Fax:(0xx69)
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(0xx69) 34164043
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