1 Promotion of coordinating general event Professional, with experience, trained to perform the functions of coordinator and advisor of all actions of the event, ensuring perfect execution, having decision power, eing responsile in the name of the CONTRACTOR should coordinate all activities to e performed during the event, Through the supervision of services, as well as through the control of functions and permanent service to participants, eing present during the event, from the initial phase to the time of finishing, supervise the assemly and disassemly of the cheaps, including the supervision and implementation of All the necessary services for the smooth running of the event, coordinate the preparation, organization and distriution of materials (adges, certificates, prints, folders, signaling, equipment, tales, chairs, drinking fountains and others), coordinating the assemly of rooms for the event (plenary sessions, round tales, speakers room, press room guests, stands, auditoriums, pages ES, among others), coordinate the VIP room, supervise the reception of the guests, coordinate and meet participants, guests and speakers, (Vide TR) Differentiated treatment: Papplicaility Decree 7174: Applicaility Preference margin: Non QUANTITY: 5 supply unit: HOUR2 Promotion of simultaneous interpreter event of asic languages Professional trained in simultaneous interpretation, with proven experience in languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and French should interpret, orally, simultaneously, from one language to another, discourses, deates, texts and forms of electronic communication, respecting their context and The cultural characteristics of the parts the quotation for this item should e for differentiated duration: Applicaility Decree 7174: Applicaility Preference Margin: Non QUANTITY: 8 supply unit: Hour3 Event Promotion AudiovisualSound Equipment Operator Professional responsile for the operation and maintenance of any type of audiovisual sound and image equipment, computers and other electronic devices to e used during differentiated eventualization: Applicaility Decree 7174: Applicaility Margin Preference: Non QUANTITY: 4 supply unit: Hour4 Promotion receptionist event Trained professional, with experience, uniform, to welcome the entry and controlassist the departure of participantspulic Assist in the location of people (speakers, authorities, among others) e cordial, pleasant, helpful and collaorative to provide information Refer to the participantspulic correctly to the desired location Perform other related tasks, as needed or at the discretion of the event proceed to distriute materials to participants, when necessary Dressing yourself discreetly, wearing uniform or classic clothing Differentiated: Applicaility Decree 7174: Applicaility Margin Preference: Non QUANTITY: 8Unity of Supply: Hour5 Promotion of ilingual Receptionist Event Trained professional, with mastery in the English andor French andor Spanish languages, to welcome entry and controlassist the departure of participantspulic Assist in the location of people (speakers, authorities, among others) e cordial, pleasant, helpful and collaorative to provide information Refer to the participantspulic correctly to the desired location Perform other related tasks, as needed or at the discretion of the event proceed to distriute materials to participants, when necessary Dressing yourself discreetly, wearing uniform or classic clothing Differentiated: Applicaility Decree 7174: Applicaility Preference Margin: Non QUANTITY: 8 supply unit: time