Supply Of Miscellaneous Laboratory Items For Microbiology, Pathology And Biochemistry For 2022-23.-1 5 Keys Manual differential Blood Cell Counter. 2 Disposable Micropipette 3 Plastic Test tube stand /rack (3 tier) 4 Plastic Test tube stand /rack (3 tier) 5 Tissue Paper 6 Washing bottle Plastic Screw with attached tube 7 Whatman No Filter Paper Made in England Whatman is a Trade Mark of Whatman Instrumental. 8 Sample cups 9 Ordinary Filter Paper 10 PH Paper/Strips Indicator Paper 11 Slide Carrier (metal) 12 Stop Watch 13 Slide tray verical with smooth edges (Aluminium) 14 Slide tray horizontal with smooth edges (Aluminium) 15 Slide tray horizontal with lid & smooth edges (Plastic ) 16 Diamond pencil 17 Sterile Water ampules for injections 18 Forcep fine tip stainless steel 19 Forcep fine tip stainless steel 20 Disposable Westegren ESR Pipette (Pastic) 21 Tissue Casette for embedding (Plastic) 22 Stainless steel Knives for tissue grossing 23 Stainless steel Knives for tissue grossing 24 Distilled Water 25 Stainless Steel tray (Dressing/collection / Phlebotomy Tray 26 Stainless Steel tray Dressing/collection / Phlebotomy Tray 27 Specimen (Plastic) Container/Bottle with lid 28 Tissue Embedding Ring 29 Wooden Sticks 30 Microscope bulbs 31 Couplin Jar with lid plastic 32 Tourniquet with Valcro 33 Histopathology Processing tissue cassette Stainless steel 34 MEASURING CYLINDER 35 Plastic centrifuge tubes disposable with Screw cap Conical bottom graduated 36 Westergren's ESR stand 37 Thermal paper roll for CA 50 caogulometre 38 Pipette Stand 39 Aluminium Foil 40 Freezing boxes for storing 41 Sterile plastic dropper 42 Sterile , conical bottom screw cap tubes 1.5ml, cryovial 43 Falcon tubes (sterile) 44 Sterile,DNA- /RNAse-free filter TIPS,1- 20 μl- ,arranged in boxes 45 Sterile,DNA- /RNAse-free filter TIPS,100-1000μl- ,arranged in boxes 46 Sterile,DNA- /RNAse-free filter TIPS, 20 - 200μl- ,arranged in 96 well boxes 47 Falcon tubes rack for 12 to 16 tubes 48 sterile storage cryovials 49 Adjustable pipettes 100-1000 μl 50 Adjustable pipettes 20-200 51 Adjustable pipettes 2-20 μl 52 Laboratory Thermometres 53 Laboratory Thermometres 54 Stainless steel laboratory froceps pointed 55 Stainless steel laboratory froceps blunt 56 Stainless steel laboratory froceps ducked beak 57 parafilm 58 Thread Ball 59 Nichrome Wire 24 SWG 60 Uristix 61 Slide tray horizontal with smooth edges (Aluminium) 62 Test tube Stand (Alumunium) 63 Aluminum Rack 64 Washing Apron 65 Aluminium basket 66 White Enamel tray/ steel 67 steel spatula 68 sterile thick plastic vials 69 Discurd poly bag 70 Falcon Tube(Sterile) 71 Autoclave indicator tape 72 LOOP Handle 73 Micropipette tips 74 Washing bottle plastic screw cap with attached tube 75 Eppendorf 76 Thermometer 77 Disposable Micropipette Tips 78 Stainless steel tray (Dressing/collecti on/phlebotomy tray)
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