1 Car Transportation Materials Carrying Materials, Material Structure Stainless Steel Tue 20 x 20 mm, Material Shelves Type 1mm Sheet, rushed Surface Finishing, Quantity Fixed Wheels 4 Casters of 2, Height Fixed Height Aout 900 mm, Carry Capacity Supports On average 200 kratamento Differentiated: Decree Decree 7174: NonPlicaility Preference Margin: Kidding: Shipping: Unit2 Industrial Industrial Cart, Material Iron, Material Platform Sheet Iron, Type Transportation Small Packing, Lenh 1000 mm, Width 800 mm, Width 800 mm 600mm, quantity wheel 4, swivel wheel type, load capacity 800 kg, surface finish Painting, Lenh flap 700 mm, Tshaping Differentiated tuular treatment: Aplicaility Decree 7174: NonPlicaility Preference Margin: NACTLY: 2UMPERVED: Unit3 Car transport transportation , Steel ody material, type hoop alumini wheel O, loading capacity400 L, additional features 1440mm, width 450mm, etween 620mm wheels, differentiated treatment: Aplicaility decree 7174: nonpleplicaility margin preferaly: nonchantity: 1A delivery: unit4 car transport materials material transport materials, material structure stainless steel AISI 430, material shelves stainless steel, rushed surface finish, quantity shelves 3, quantity rotating wheels c 4 rotating wheels eing 2 with rakes, lenh 90 cm, width 58 cm, height 94 cm, type shelves type plank, capacity load 75 kratamento Differentiated: Aplicaility Decree 7174: NonPlicaility Preference Margin: Shipping: Unit 5 Car Transportation Materials Carrying Materials, Material Structure Tuular Structure Stainless Steel, Material Shelves Polymer Shelves, Quantity Shelves 3 Shelves, Quantity Wheels Action 4 rotary casters, lenh aout 100 cm, width aout 50 cm, height aout 95 cm, type shelves side closure and rear, accessories w handle oth sides, load capacity aout 135 differentiated krication: Aplicaility decree 7174: NonPlicaility Preference Margin: Kidding: 1Unity of supply: unit