Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition of dontolytic inputs in order to supply the hospital complex of the Fede ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition of dontolytic inputs in order to supply the hospital complex of the Federal University of Cear (CHUFC ESERH), UASG 155020, y idding in the ing modality in the electronic form for the registration system of pregnancies (SRP) whose judgment criteria will e the lowest price with validity of 12 (twelve) months , according to conditions, quantities, requirements and estimates estalished in an edict
1 Dental dental adhesive, type Activator for autopolimerization, physical aspect Differentiated liquidation: Aplicaility decree 7174: nonpleplicaility margin preferaly: nonchantity: 20Unity of delivery: vial 600 g2 dental dental needle, material stainless steel siliconized, gingival Anesthesia, dimension 30 g short, tip type * with trefaceted evel, type connector for carpule syringe, sterile, disposale type type type, presentation with plastic protector and differentiated lacretratement: Plicaility decree 7174: nonpleplataility margin preferaly: nonchantity: Delivery: 10000 Un3 ox Dental Applicator Dental Officer, Folding Rod Type, Disposale Use Type, Plastic Material, Additional Features Nonasorent fiers, Type Different tipefinaturing: Aps of supply: package 10000 un4 caron for articular joint, paper material, tape format format, doulesided color2 colors, sterile, disposale type type, presentation in differentiated foliage: Aplicaility Decree 7174:
Contact Information
Endereo:Rua Pastor Samuel Munguba, 1290 - Rodolfo Tefilo - Fortaleza (CE)Telefone:(0xx85) 33668119Fax:(0xx85)
Contact No.
(0xx85) 33668119
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