1 Intimate Intimate Clothing Faric, Hood, Hooded Towel and Diaper Liner, Neworn Glove, Half Pair, Shoe Pair, ody Towel, ody Pants Set, Long Soft Overalls, Disposale ath, Plastic athtu , composed of 01 (one) rush rushes soft and 01 (one) special com ay, nail cutter, child soap, cotton package, flexile stems, lavanda ay colony, differentiated maternity ackpack: Applicaility decree 7174: Preference: Nestquantity: 1701Unitudio of supply: unit2 Intimate infantile clothing in faric, hood, hooded towel and diaper liner, neworn glove, stocking couples, shoe pairs, mouth towel, ody pants, overalls , Disposale diaper, plastic athtu, kit, composed y 01 (one) rush ristles soft and 01 (one) special com for ay, nail cutter, child soap, cotton package, flexile stems, lavanda ay colony, Chila Maternity Differential: