Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition of disk ackups storage appliances, LTO8 tape liraries, LTO8 tapes, safe ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Acquisition of disk ackups storage appliances, LTO8 tape liraries, LTO8 tapes, safe for ackup tape storage and ackup servers, including manufacturer support and maintenance services, according to conditions, localities, quantities and demands estalished in the reference term and their addendums, to meet the ministry p Olico of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul
1 System Automatic Disk ackups Storage System Long Differentiated retention: Applicaility Decree 7174: Applicaility Preference margin: NACTLY: 1UMPTANCE OF SUPPLY: Drive2 Automatic disk ackup storage system Short differentiated retention: Applicaility Decree 7174: Applicaility Margin Preferaly: NACTLY: 1UMER OF SUPPLY: Unit 5 Recorder Magnetic Tape Tape Tape Type Differentiated Differentiated: Plicaility Decree 7174: Applicaility Preference Margin: Information: 1Unitudio of supply: Unit8 Unit Differentiated LTO8tactical ackup tape: Applicaility decree 7174: Applicaility margin preference: NACTLY: 200unidade delivery: unit 9 tape cleaning drivefite cleaning drive, life 50 cycles cleaning, cartridge format, application recording unit LTRIUM, Type 1, 2, 3 and Differentiated 4Tractment: Plicaility Decree 7174: Applicaility Preference Margin: Kidding: 6Unity of delivery: Unit
Contact Information
Endereo:Rua Presidente Manuel Ferraz de Campos Salles, 214. - Jardim Veraneio - Campo Grande (MS)Telefone:(0xx67) 331Fax:(0xx67) 33
Contact No.
(0xx67) 331
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