1 Laoratory equipment Laoratory, superficial area analyzer, ET method, ET Method, STSA, Adsorption and Desorption isotherms, Digital Adjustment Adjustment, C Sensitive Touch Screen, Programmation L, Additional and Size Portion Aout 5000 Å, Pactatura 5 Seasons, Control Temperature Temperature up to 500 Differentiated Type I Type I Exclusive Participation of Me EPP EquipmentPlicaility Decree 7174: NonPlicaility Preference Margin: NACTLY: 15 AMPLECTION: Unit2 Laoratory laoratory equipment, Type Surface area analyzer, et method, Method et, STSA, Adsorption And donortion isotherms, adjustment digital adjustment, c touch screen touch, programm L, additional range size portion aout 5000 Å, capacityatura 5 stations, temperature control temperature up to 500 ¨ Differentiated leveling: Aplicaility decree 7174: nonplete margin preference: : 3Unity of supply: Unit3 Working equipment Laoratory Tory, Type Photo Station, Adjustment Digital Adjustment, C Control Panel, Programming L, Additional Sample Display Area up to 1500 cm², additional feature with alarms, timer and air circulator, UV and fluorescent lamp components Temperature control up to 60 ¨ Differentiated section: Decree Decree 7174: NonPlicaility Preference margin: NACTLY: 3UMER OF SUPPLY: Unit4 Laoratory Support Laoratory, Plastic Material, Share Type, Application for Tues, Dimensions Aout 15 ML, Capacity Up to 50 Unit Differential: Decree Decree 7174: NonPlicaility Preference Margin: NACTLY: 3UMER OF SUPPLY: Unit 5 Order equipment laoratory equipment, application * for differential thermal analyzer (DSC), Type 2 Differential Measurement Unit: Aplicaility Decree 7174: NoPlicailities and preference margin: NACTLY: 3UMER OF SUPPLY: Unit