Tenders Are Invited For Company Contractation for Supply, in a parceled way through the Prefect Registration ... in Brazil
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Company Contractation for Supply, in a parceled way through the Prefect Registration System,of feed, caf, for the regional work procurator of the 1st region, with as a justification for the maintenance of material stocks to continue the activities of PRT1 RJ, uildingHeadquarters, Annex I and II uildings, and PTMS
1 roasting grinding coffee roasted coffee ground package with 500 g package in high vacuum system, packaging containing rand, data manufacturing, validity and atch of the product Validity of at least twothirds of the total term in homogeneous, torring and grinding average drink (flavor) of the intense type, hard drink physicalchemical characteristics required for every 100g): volatile sustances at 105 ° C: maximum humidity limit of 5 Fixed mineral residue: maximum limit 5 Fixed mineral residue insolule in 10: maximum limit of 1 Aqueous extract: limit of 25 Ethereal Extract: Minimum limit of 8 and trimethylxanthine (caffeine) 07 microiological characteristics: Maximum limit: 10 coliforms at 45 ° C g Sensory characteristics: characteristic aroma of the product, low to moderate acidity, moderate itterness, characteristic and alanced taste Free fermented taste, moldy and earth, low astringency, reasonaly full odied ody (Sumit sample) Differential treatment: Applicaility Decree 7174: nonplete preference margin: Information: 1800 Unit
Contact Information
Endereo:Avenida Churchill, 94 - 7. ao 11. Andar - Ceno - Rio de Janeiro (RJ)Telefone:Fax:
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