Quotation For Supply Of Lab Equipments To Department Of Criminology And Criminal Justice Of Rani Channamma University, Belagavi -Crime scene investigating kits -1. Camel hair brush 2. Ostrich brush 3. Fingerprint lifter 4. Table top magnifier -Chemicals and consumables -1. Acetic acid—500ml 2. Phenolphthalein indicator—100gm 3. Silver nitrate—10gm 4. Hydrogen peroxide—500ml 5. Calcium chloride—500gm 6. Potassium permanganate—500gm 7. Nin hydrin –25gm 8. HCL—500ml 9. Potassium hydroxide pellets—500gm 10. Iodine crystals—25gm 11. Iitmus paper--red -WALL CHARTS -Size 20 x 26 inches laminated on board ( wall charts) -1 Determination of sex from physical / morphological features 2 Difference between human and animal hair -Forensic models -Code no M021 Cadaveric Spasm , Exit and Entrance wound (Shooting with gun)
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