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Yashwantnagarwater Supply Scheme. Tq. Malshiras, Dist. Solapur. 1 Lowering, Laying And...

Contract Award Notice

TRR 9283122
Organization Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Tender No E Tender Notice No.9_/2022-2023_1st_Call
Funded By Self-Funded
Country India , Southern Asia
Contract Value 470 Million

Work Detail

Yashwantnagarwater Supply Scheme. Tq. Malshiras, Dist. Solapur. 1 Lowering, Laying And Jointing Connecting Main Canal To Bt. 2. Providing And Constructing Rcc Sump & Pump House Near Canal. 3. Providing And Erect-Ing R.W. P. Machinery On R.W. Sump. 4.Lowering, Laying R.W.R / M Sump To Bt. 5. Providing And Constructing Earthen Balancing Tank. Cap. 214 Ml . 5 ( A ) . Construction Of Intake Arrangement In B.T. 6. Providing And Erecting R.W. P.Machinery 7.Lowering. Laying And Jointingrwr / M B.T To Wtp.8. Providing And Constructing 4.0 Mld Unconventional Wtp. 9. Providing And Erecting P.W.P Machinery 20 H.P. 10. Lowering. Laying And Jointing P.W. R / M Wtp To Mbr 11. Providing & Const. Mbr Of Cap. 6.61 L.L. 12.Lowering. Laying And Jointing P.W. G.M. Wtp. To Esrs In Yashwntnagar. 11. Providing, & Constructing Rcc Esr, S In Gaothan Area. 12. Lowering, Laying And Jointing Hdpe Distribution System L- 62.748 Km. 13. Tril Run Of Scheme. 14. Recycling Arrangement.

Key Dates

Contract Date 16 Nov 2022

Contact Information

Company Name
Awarded Bids List
S.No Bid Number Bidder Name Awarded Currency Awarded Value
1 4460417 NR EPC PROJECT PVT LTD INR 469835181.000
Contract Value 470 Million
Contract Date 16 Nov 2022

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