supply of Electrolyte Analyzer , electrolyte analyser and all the accessories mentioned in the specifications , reagent required to perform 1000 test/month ( fill the the quantity required to perform 1000 tests in the packsize column and amount for the quantity in the price column ) rate offered must be inclusive of tax . insert zero if this solution is not applicable for the offered equipment . includes 30 start up , 30 shut down , 30 cleaning , 30 deprotenization , 30 conditioning , 30 active to stand by , 30 standby to active , deproteinizer required to perform 1000 test/month ( fill the the quantity required to perform 1000 tests in the packsize column and amount for the quantity in the price column ) rate offered must be inclusive of tax . insert zero if this solution is not applicable for the offered equipment . includes 30 start up , 30 shut down , 30 cleaning , 30 deprotenization , 30 conditioning , 30 active to stand by , 30 standby to active , conditioner required to perform 1000 test/month ( fill the the quantity required to perform 1000 tests in the packsize column and amount for the quantity in the price column ) rate offered must be inclusive of tax . insert zero if this solution is not applicable for the offered equipment . includes 30 start up , 30 shut down , 30 cleaning , 30 deprotenization , 30 conditioning , 30 active to stand by , 30 standby to active , ise refill solution required to perform 1000 test/month ( fill the the quantity required to perform 1000 tests in the packsize column and amount for the quantity in the price column ) rate offered must be inclusive of tax . insert zero if this solution is not applicable for the offered equipment . includes 30 start up , 30 shut down , 30 cleaning , 30 deprotenization , 30 conditioning , 30 active to stand by , 30 standby to active , ref . refill solution required to perform 1000 test/month ( fill the the quantity required to perform 1000 tests in the packsize column and amount for the quantity in the price column ) rate offered must be inclusive of tax . insert zero if this solution is not applicable for the offered equipment . includes 30 start up , 30 shut down , 30 cleaning , 30 deprotenization , 30 conditioning , 30 active to stand by , 30 standby to active , reagent ( standard pack size and rate /pack available for the bidder may be filled up in the respective columns ) rate will be freezed for 3 years . , deproteiniser ( standard pack size and rate /pack available for the bidder may be filled up in the respective columns ) rate will be freezed for 3 years . , conditioner ( standard pack size and rate /pack available for the bidder may be filled up in the respective columns ) rate will be freezed for 3 years . , ise refill ( standard pack size and rate /pack available for the bidder may be filled up in the respective columns ) rate will be freezed for 3 years . , ref . refill ( standard pack size and rate /pack available for the bidder may be filled up in the respective columns ) rate will be freezed for 3 years , sodium electrode , potassium electrode , reference electrode , tubing kit , membrane assembly , chloride electrode