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Contract Award For Provision Of Services For Cleaning Premises For Cleaning The Premises ...

Contract Award Notice

TRR 7499435
Tender No UA-2022-06-01-005099-a
Funded By
Country Ukraine , Eastern Europe
Contract Value 9 Million

Work Detail

Contract Award For Provision of services for cleaning premises for cleaning the premises of the Customer DK code 021: 2015 90920000-2-services for sanitary and hygno-treatment of premises, namely: washing of flooring, wiping of a carpet vacuum cleaner, wiping dust from ME0, wiping of a mirror, wiping of a mirror. Windows 1 time a year Frequency of service provision: once a week of building maintenance services at: M Zaporizhzhl ‹I, PR Soborny, 164 in good condition, namely: code DK 021: 2015 65130000-3 operation of water supply 021: 2015 50730000-1 Services for repair and maintenance of cooling installations, code DK 021: 2015 50750000-7 Lift maintenance services, code DK 021: 2015 50710000-5-services for repair and maintenance of electrical and mechanical equipment of buildings ( Services for the maintenance of electrical equipment of buildings), code DK 021: 2015 90610000-6 Services for cleaning and sweeping of streets, code DK 021: 2015 50410000-2-Ambassador UGGs for repair and maintenance of measuring, testing and control devices (services for repair and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment), code DK 021: 2015 50720000-8 Services for repair and maintenance of central heating systems, code DK 021: 2015 50850000-8 services From repair and maintenance of furniture, code DK 021: 2015 90920000-2-Services for sanitary and hygno-treatment of premises (disinfection and digestion services) Classification at DK 021: 2015: 90920000-2-services for sanitary and hygienic treatment of premises.

Key Dates

Contract Date 01 Jun 2022

Contact Information

Contract Value 9 Million
Contract Date 01 Jun 2022

Complete details of the selected Tender
Organisation Name : Vijaya Bank
Organisation Type : Public Sector Banks Ministry : Ministry of Finance
Tender Ref. No : DIT/DELHIARMB/07052016/1
Tender Title : E-Auction Sale Notice for the properties of M/s Guru Kripa Iron Trading Pvt Ltd, mortgaged to Vijaya Bank and taken possession under the provisions of SARFAESI Act 2002.
Product Category : Land/Building
Sub Category :
Tender Value (INR if not mentioned):
Rs 1,62,00,000/-
Document Cost :
Tender Type : Auction
Location : Delhi
Announcement Date :
Publication Date on Portal: 5-July-2016 At : 8:03:09 PM  
Last Date of Document Collection :  
8-August-2016 Up To : 5:00 PM  
Last date for  
Submission :
8-August-2016 Up To : 5:00 PM  
Opening Date : 10-August-2016 At : 11:00 AM  
Work Description :
Pre-Qualification :
PreBid Meet Date : --
Tender Document : View Document *
Bid Document : Document Not available
Tech. Document : Document Not available
Sector : Banking, Finance & Insurance
State : Karnataka
For further Information Contact:
Name : Santhosh Aili
E-Mail :
Phone Office : 08025584066
Fax : 08025582747
Address :
City : Bangalore

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