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Rate Contract Of Path Lab Investigation Rate Contract Of Path Lab Investigation ( Microbi...

Contract Award Notice

TRR 7319786
Organization Medical College
Tender No 23/03-03-2022
Funded By Self-Funded
Country India , Southern Asia
Contract Value 20 Million

Work Detail

Rate Contract Of Path Lab Investigation Rate Contract Of Path Lab Investigation ( Microbiology, Biochemistry, Pathology Related Investigation Etc ) , Investigatoin Of Path Lab. ( Fufonknkrk Dks Lhkh Njs Dksv Djuk Vko;D Gksxka ) , Blood Urea ( Bun ) , S Creatinine , S Bilirubin ( Total ) , S Bilirubin ( Direct ) , Sgot / Ast , Sgpt / Alt , S Alk. Phosphatase , S Total Protein , S Albumin / A:G Ratio , S Calcium , S Ck Nac , S Ck Mb , S Ldh , S Amylase , S Uric Acid , S Triglyceride , S Electrolytes ( Sodium, Potassium, Chloride ) , S Vldl , S Total Cholesterol , S Lipase , S Hdl / Hdl Direct , S Ggt , Other Body Fluids-Biochemistry , T3 , T4 , Tsh , Psa , Vit.B 12 , Ferritin , Il-6 , C-Reactiveprotein ( Quantitative ) , Anti Tpo Antibodies , Blood Glucose Fasting , Blood Glucose Pp , Blood Glucose Random , S. Ldl Cholestrol / Ldl Direct , S.Lipid Profile - Chol, Trigly, Hdl, Ldl, Vldl , S. Globulin , S. Indirectbilirubin , S.Biocarbonate , S.Inorganic Phosphorus , Bloodgas Analysis ( Abg Total With Lactate ) , Abg-With Electrolyte , Csf- Biochemistry ( Protein, Sugar, Chloride, Ldh ) , Glycosylated Hemoglobin ( Hba1c ) ( Hplc / Electrophoresis ) , Vit D3 Level , Ionized Calcium , Haemoglobin Electrophoresis , S Lactate , Triple Marker , Urine For Acr , Rpr / Vdrltest , Hbs Ag ( Rapid ) Test , Widal Slide Test , Rheumatoid Factor ( Rf ) , Aslo , S.Crp , Pan Malaria Antigen Card Test , Gram Staining , Urine Culture & Senstivity , Blood Culture & Senstivity , Stool Culture & Sensitivity , Pus Culture & Sensitivity , Ear Culture & Sensitivity , Sputum Culture & Sensitivity , Throat Swab Culture Sensitivity , Hiv Antibody Testing By Immunofilteration Method , Afb Staining , Fungal Culture , Typhi Dot Test , Automated Microbial Culture , Hb , Cbc , Mp Slide , Esr , Dlc , Tlc , Platelet Count , Bt-Bleeding Count , Ct-Clotting Count , Pt Prothorombin Time-Inr , Blood Group & Rh , Pbf , Urine Examination-12 Parameters , Urine Microscopy , Small Biopsy , Large Biopsy , Paps Smear , Fnac , Cytology Of Various Body Fluids , Trop-T , Sars Cov-2 Ab ( Total & Igg ) , Troponin I Test , Free T3 , Free T4 , ?-Hcg / Free ?-Hcg , Lh , Fsh , Prolactin , Serum Magnesium , Anti Tg Antibodies , S Iron , S Tibc , Anemia Profile ( Iron, Tibc, Ferritin, Vit B12, Folic Acid ) , Cortisol , Pth ( Parathyroid Hormone ) , Ca 125 , Carcino Embryonicantigen ( Cea ) , Thyroglobulin , Folic Acid / Rbc Folate , Anti Ccp , Pct , Ammonia , Dengue ( Rapid ) Test , Anti Hcv , Csf Culture & Senstivity , Dengue Igm Elisa , Dengue Ns1 Elisa , Scrub Typhus Igm Elisa , Rt Pcr Testing For Covid-19 , Alberts Staining For Throat Swab ( Diptheria ) , Afb Culture , Aso Quantitative , Csf-Vdrl , Covid-19 Antigen Test , Covid-19 Antibody Test , Coombs Test Indirect , Semen Analysis , Csf-Count , Bone Marrow Examination , D Dimer , Stool Examination Complete , Stool For Occult Blood , Sputum Cytology , Urine Cytology , Csf Cytology , S. Acid Phosphatase , Urine 24 Hrs Protein , Testosterone , Antinuclearantibody - Ana , Double Stranded Dna -Dsdna , Serumelectrophoresis , 17- Hydroxy Progesterone , Estradiol , Progesterone , C- Peptide Level , Ca 19-9 , Lithium , Ada , Nt Pro Bnp , Rt3 , Hs Crp , Free Psa , Chikungunya Igm Elisa , Toxoplasma Ig6 Elisa , Toxoplasma Igm Elisa , Rubella Igg Elisa , Rubella Igm Elisa , Cytomegelo Ig6 Elisa , Cytomegelo Igm Elisa , Hsv1 Ig6 Elisa , Hsv1 Igm Elisa , Hepatitis Aigm Elisa , Hepatitis B Ag Elisa , Stool For Hanging Drop Preparation ( Vibrio Cholerae , Japanese Encephalitis Igm Elisa , Measeles Antibody Ig6elisa , Measeles Antibodyigm Elisa , Tb Pcr For Blood , Tb Pcr For Pus , Tb Pcr For Sputam , Hbv Surface Antibody Iggelisa , Hbv Surface Antibody Igmelisa , Hbv Core Antibody Iggelisa , Hbv Core Antibody Igmelisa , Hbv E Antigen Elisa Kit , Hbv E Antibody Elisa , Hepatitis B Dna Quantitative , Hepatitis C Viral Pcr Quanlitative , Tec / Vec , Coombs Test Direct , Er-Pr & Her-2 Neu. , Gh ( Growth Hormone ) , Igf-1 ( Insulin Like Growth Factor ) , Acth , Insulin Level ( Fasting ) , Insulin Level ( Pp ) , Insulin Level ( Random ) , Serum Fluoride , Urine Fluoride , Alpha Feto Protein ( Afp ) , Apolipoprotein A-I , Apolipoprotein A-I + B , Apolipoprotein B , Calcitonin , Erythropoeitin , Urine For Amino Acid , 17 Keto Steroids , Dht ( Dihydro Testosterone Level ) , Lp-A , Homocysteine , S Transferrin , G-6-Pd , Rf Quantitative , H1n1 Pcr , Afb Drug Senstivity - 5 Drug ( Any Of List ) , Afb Drug Senstivity- Individual Drug , Aptt / Pttk , Chemical Examination Of Urine , Arneth Count , Urine Oxalate , Urinecalcium , Urine Sodium , Urine Potassium , Urine Chloride , Urine Uricacid , Urine Phosphorus , Urine Magnesium , Angiotensinconverting Enzyme ( Ace ) , Alpha 1 Antitrypsin , Breast Cancermarker Ca-15.3 , ?2 Microglobulin , Csf Electophoresis , Ceruloplasmin , S Cholinesterase , Dhea-S , D-Xylose , Drug Estimationdigoxin , S.Lead , Valproicacid , Serum Phenytoin , Cyclosporine , Tacrolimus , Sirolimus , Theophyline , Phenobarbitone , Estriol , Mucopolysacchrides , Myoglobin , Terminald-Oxy Nucleotidyltransferase ( Tdt ) , Urine Cortisol , Urine Estriol , Vma , Growthhormoneantibody , Vitamink Plasma Level , Oxytocin , Il-2Receptor , Proinsulin , S 100 , Myloperoxidase , Pas , 24 Hrs Urinary Free Catecholamines , 24 Hrs Urinary Metanephrines , Adh ( Anti Diuretic Hormone Level ) , Serum Aldosterone , Plasma Renin Activity , Urinary 5-Hiaa ( Hydroxy Indole Acetic Acid ) Level , Ttg Test , Antigad Antibody , Bnp , Amh , Rbp , Ngal , Total Ige , Lepto Spira Igm Elisa , Brucella Igmelisa , Fungus For Cis , Tb Pcr For Urine , Tb Pcr For Tissue , Tb Pcr For Block , Tb Pcr For Anti Body Fluid , Afb Drug Senstivity All Listed Drug Of Rntcp , Amoebiosis Elisa , Aspergilqsis Serology , Csf Measles Lgg &Lgm , Csf Hsv 1 Lgg & Lgm , Cryptococcal Antigen , Cryptococcal Antigen With Titre , H.Pylori Antibody , Hiv Western Blot , Infectious Mononucleosis ( Ebv ) , Measles Antibody Csf Lgg Elisa , Measles Antibody Csf Lgm Elisa , Microfiliria , Mumps Antibody Igg , Mumps Antibody Igm , Pearls Stain , Sickling Test , R.C ( Reticulocyte Count ) , Urine Examination Bjp-Bence Jones Protein , Le Cell , G6pd Qualitative , G6pd Quantitative , Karyotyping , Protein C , Protein - S , Crt , Bone Marrow Biopsy , Cd 3 / Cd 16+56 , Cd3 / Cd4 / Cd8 T-Cell , Cd33 , Cd34 , Fdp , Fibrinogen

Key Dates

Contract Date 11 May 2022

Contact Information

Company Name
Awarded Bids List
S.No Bid Number Bidder Name Awarded Currency Awarded Value
1 2174443 KALPANA NURSINGH HOME PVT. LTD. INR 20000000.00
Contract Value 20 Million
Contract Date 11 May 2022

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