supply of items equipment Nabh Accrediation For Items Nabh Accrediation Ke Tahat Samgri/ Upkaran Hetu Rate Contract nabh accrediation ke tahat samgri/ upkaran hetu rate contract - elbow tape, grab bar, dry mop, wet mop (double bucket), foot operated dustbin (red colour) – 40 liter, foot operated dustbin (yellow colour) – 40 liter, foot operated dustbin (green colour) – 40 liter, puncture proof container (transparent)- 05, suggestion box (iron) with lock, room temperature recorder (digital), hydrometer (casio), refrigerator temperature recorder, crash cart (emergency trolley), laundry bag (big), laundry bad collection trolley (big), liquid soap dispenser, weighing machine (digital), autoclave drum (steel) medium, auitoclave drum (steel) big, bio waste collection container (240 ltr.), waste collection big trolley for main collection (1100 ltr.), chittal forcep stand, biological indicator, fire helmet, walkie talkie, extention ladder, fire safety gumboot, hand gloves, fully body harness, ba set (breathing apparatus), fire suit, dragon torch, safety shoes, fireman axe, led b.p. instrument, medical triage band (red, black, yellow, green)