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Purchase Of Various Cleaning Equipments Required To The Hospital Attached To Govt . Medic...

Contract Award Notice

TRR 6980999
Organization Government Medical College
Tender No P5-8621/2019/GMCE
Funded By Self-Funded
Country India , Southern Asia
Contract Value 999,650

Work Detail

Purchase Of Various Cleaning Equipments Required To The Hospital Attached To Govt . Medical College , Ernakulam , details of items , heavy duty wet and dry vaccum cleaners , heavy duty dry vaccum cleaner back pack , battery operated sweeping machine , brush / grass cutter cutter , hand held single brush scrubber for cleaning washroom walls , with handle 48'''''''' l , hand held single brush scrubber for , pedal operated waste bin l grey for soiled linen collection , push lid / swing waste bin-55 / 60l grey , pedal operated waste bin 45l grey , push lid waste bin 40l grey , pedal operated waste bin 30l red , pedal operated waste bin 30l yellow , pedal operated waste bin 30 slim grey , pedal operated waste bin 18lblue , with inner bucket , white transluscent sharp containers , white transluscent sharp containers , paper wastebin , wheeled waste barrow , customised linen distribution trolley , signage- bilingual -english and malayalam yellow-out of order , signage - bilingual -english and malayalam yellow , caution wet floor , , signage- bilingual -english and malayalam yellow , cleaning in progress , signage- bilingual -english and malayalam yellow , work in progress , long reusable rubber gloves

Key Dates

Contract Date 26 Mar 2022

Contact Information

Company Name
Awarded Bids List
S.No Bid Number Bidder Name Awarded Currency Awarded Value
1 831646 Roots Multiclean Ltd INR 81540.00
2 832867 Transware Enterprises INR 432814.00
3 832996 EVOLVE LIFE SCIENCES INR 485296.00
Contract Value 999,650
Contract Date 26 Mar 2022

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