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Rate Contract For Supply Of Lab Chemicals & Kitsin Kerala Region. - 2 Leishman Stain Powde...

Contract Award Notice

TRR 6136451
Organization Employees State Insurance Corporation
Tender No 2021-2022-HRC-V(A)
Funded By Self-Funded
Country India , Southern Asia
Contract Value 125,000

Work Detail

Rate Contract For Supply Of Lab Chemicals & Kitsin Kerala Region. - 2 Leishman Stain Powder- 3 Phophate Buffer 4 Wbc Diluting Fluid 5 Drabkin’ Solution For Haemoglobin 6 Edta Powder 7 Sodium Citrate Powder 8 Capillary Tube For Clotting Time Study 9 Esr Pipette ( Synthetic Disposable ) -The Pipette Sshould Allow A Rapid Execution Of Er A Per “Westergren” Method. The Pipette Is Provided With A Fibre Cap Which Permit The Automated Reaching Of The “0” Level In A Simple And Safe Way. At The Interior Part, At A Precise Distance, A Little Piston Allow A Quick Filling Of The Pipette, Thanks To The Pressure Exerted With In The Tube. The Pipette Ha A Printed Graduated Scale From “0” To “180” And Consequsently Allow An Immediate Reading In Tranparence. It Sshould Have An Internal Diameter Of 2.5 Mm With Precise Graduation, A Per Icsh Pecification. It Ha To Be Isi / Ce Certified Ivd Product 10 Esr Pipette 11 Esr Stand For Westergren''''s Method- 12 New Methylene Blue Readymade Stain For Reticulocyte Counting 13 Brilliant Cresyl Blue Stain For Reticulocyte Counting 14 Litmus Paper 15 Acetone Free Methyl Alcohol 16 Haematology Quality 3 Part ( Three Level ) -A ) A Trilevel Specifically Designed For Use On Most Hematology Analyzer That Measure Up To 16 Parameter And 3Part White Blood Cell Differential B ) Liquid Ready To Use C ) Assayed Target Valuse For Parameter D ) Blood Cell Uspenion E ) 160 Day Helf Life At 2–8°C F ) 21 Day Openvial Sstability At 2–8°C Ce / Fda Approved 17 Haematology Quality 5 Part 18 Haematology Quality 5 Part 19 Sodium Metabiulphate Powder 20 Acetone 21 Methylene Blue 1% Solution 22 Methylene Blue Powder N 23 Ammonium Oxalate Powder 24 10% Saline 25 Sodium Hydroxide Solution 26 Blood Grouping Era ( Antia+ Antib+ Antid ) --A ) 3 X 10 Ml Pack Ize B ) Titre: 1: 256 C ) Specificity : · Antia 100% To A1, A2 And Ax Antigen, Antib 100% To B Antigen, Negative Reacting With Acquired B Characteritic , Antid: Titre – 1:32;100% To Rho ( D ) Antigen D ) Storage : 28 Degree Celcius, 24 Month. Ce Certified Ivd Product 27 Anti –D Monoclonal Igm+Igg Blend For Du Confirmation N 28 Forward Blood Grouping Gel Card 29 Forward And Reverse Blood Grouping Gel Card 30 Coomb’S Test Gel Card 31 Forward Blood Grouping With Anti – H Gel Card 32 Coombs Reagent 33 Lis 34 D-Dimer 35 Glucose 36 Cholesterol 37 Urea 38 Creatinine 39 Total Bilirubin 40 Direct Bilirubin 41 Sgot 42 Sgpt 43 Alp 44 Protein 45 Albumin 46 Lipase 47 Triglyceride ( Tg ) 48 High Denity Lipoprotein 49 Uric Acid ( Ua ) 50 Phophorous 51 Amylase 52 Erba Wash 53 Anti-Streptolysin O ( Aso ) 54 Calcium 55 Sodium ( Ise ) Should Provide An Ise Platform Free Of Cost For Testing A Long A The Concerned Are Used. N 56 Potassium ( Ise ) Should Provide An Ise Platform Free Of Cost For Testing A Long A The Concerned Are Used. N 57 Chloride ( Ise ) Should Provide An Ise Platform Free Of Cost For Testing A Long A The Concerned Are Used. N 58 Ionized Calcium ( Ise ) Should Provide An Ise Platform Free Of Cost For Testing A Long A The Concerned Are Used. N 59 Troponin I 60 ß Hcg Test Card 61 Biochemistry Randox Quality Controls Level Ii & Iii-- Assayed, Lyophilized Human Serum Based With Minimum 40 Analytes To Monitor Precision For Chemistry Assay A ) Human Serum Based B ) 3 Year Shelf Life At 2–8°C C ) 30 Day Frozen Recontituted Stability For Most Analytes D ) 7 Day Openvial Stability At 2–8°C For Most Analytes Ce / Fda Approved , 28 Day Frozen Recontituted Stability For All Parameters Including Bilirubin And Alkaline Phophatase 62 Anti –Tpo, Anti – Tg Immuno Quality Controls 63 Ferritin Quality Controls 64 Troponin T Quality Controls 65 Troponin I Quality Controls 66 ß Hcg Quality Controls 67 Ra Factor Quality Controls 68 Aso Quality Controls 69 Crp Quality Controls 70 Biorad Immuno Qc Level 1 71 Biorad Immuno Qc Level 2 72 Biorad Immuno Qc Level 3 73 Lactate Dehydrogenae- 74 Acid Phophate- N 75 Eppendorf Tube 76 Aso Reagent ( Immunoturbidimetry ) N 77 Crp Reagent ( Immunoturbidimetry ) N 78 Ra Factor Reagent ( Immunoturbidimetry ) N 79 Urinary Iodine Etimation Kit 80 Urinary Iodine Qc 81 Serum Iron Estimation Kit 82 Adenosine Deaminase ( Ada ) 83 Disposable Cuvette 84 Haematoxylin Powder C I No:75290 85 Aluminium Hydroxide 86 Mercuric Oxide - 87 Potassium Iodide 88 Phophotungstic Acid 89 Potassium Dichromate 90 Og 6 Powderci N0:16230 91 Light Greenci No:42095 92 Bismark Brown Ci No:21000 93 Eosin Y Ci No:45380 94 Fast Green Fcf Ci No:42053 95 Phloxin Ci No:45410 96 Picric Acid 97 Haematoxylin Reagent - Harris Haematoxylin Readymade 98 Og 6 Reagent Ready To Use, 99 Ea 50 Reagent ( Not Ea 36 ) Ready To Use, 100 Eosin Y Reagent Ready To Use, 101 Isopropyl Alcohol ( 99.8% ) Ready To Use, 102 Dpx 250 Ml Bottle 103 Dpx-500 Ml Bottle 104 1 N Hcl-250 Ml Bottle 105 1 N Hcl- 500Ml Bottle 106 Ayres Spatula-Disposable, Isi / . / Fda / Ce As Applicable 107 Cytobrush For Cervical Smear Sample Collection 108 Glacial Acetic Acid 109 Ammonia 110 Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate 111 Formaldehyde Solution 40% 112 Hydrogen Peroxide 30%---40% 113 Methanol Ar 114 Nitric Acid 115 Paraffin Wax 116 Xylene Extra Pure 117 Tissue Embedding Ring 118 Tissue Embedding Casette 119 Tissue Embedding Casette 120 Embedding Mould 121 Embedding Mould 122 Diethyl Ether 123 Glycerol 124 Potassium Aluminium Sulphate 125 Schiff’S Reagent 126 Lithium Carbonate 127 Sodium Thiosulphate 128 Toluidine Blue 129 Ammonium Ferric Sulphate 130 Silver Nitrate 131 Giemsa Stain Staining Kit 132 Periodic Acid- 133 Picric Acid 134 Sodium Sulphite 135 Basic Fuschin 136 Concentrated Hcl 137 Carmine Powder 138 Potassium Permanganate 139 Oxalic Acid 140 Iron Alum 141 Potassium Hydroxide10% Solution, Ready To Use 142 Gold Chloride- 143 Hexamine Powder 144 Borax ( Sodium Tetra Borate ) 145 Congo Red- 146 Potassium Ferrocyanide 147 Activated Charcoal 148 Bouin’S Fluid Ready Made 149 Knife 225X25mm 150 Knife 250X20mm 151 Forcep Toothed Steel, N 152 Forcep Plain Steel, N 153 Scissor Straight Steel, N 154 Scissor Curved Steel, 155 Metallic Scale 25Cm , Steel, 156 Metallic Scale 50Cm, 157 Slide Tray N 158 Twine 159 Chisel 160 Hammer 161 Bone Cutting Saw 162 Black Indian Ink With Brush-Certified By The Biological Staincommission Ce Certified Ivd Product 163 Evacuated Tube With Clot Activator Size 13X75mm, 4Ml Draw Volume, Batch Wise Sterility / Toxicity Certificate, Non-Spillage Closure Facility, Combustion Data To Prove That It Is Safe For Environment On Incineration. 164 Evacuated Tube With Clot Activator And Gel Size 13X75mm, 4Ml Draw Volume, Batch Wise Sterility / Toxicity Certificate, Non-Spillage Cloure Facility, Combustion Data To Prove That It Is Safe For Environment On Incineration. 165 K2 Edta Spray Dried Evacuated Tube For Haematology  Spray Dried Edta In The Ratio 1.52Mg / Ml Of Edta Blood Ratio, Size 13X75mm, 4Ml Draw Volume, Batch Wise Sterility / Toxicity Certificate, Non-Spillage Cloure Facility, Combustion Data To Prove That It Is Safe For Environment On Incineration. 166 Evacuated Sodium Citrate  ( 3.2% )  Tube For Coagulation Studies Buffered Sodium Citrate3.2%, Mechanism For Evaporation Lo Should Be Present, Full Draw Volume With Reduced Head Space To Minimize Platelet Activation Expected. ( Should Produce Document Proving The Abovementioned Point ) 167 Evacuated Tube With Spray Dried Lithium Heparinize 13X75mm, 4Ml Draw Volume, Batch Wise Terility / Toxicity Certificate, Nonpillage Cloure Facility, Combution Data To Prove That It I Afe For Environment On Incineration. 168 Needle For Evacuated Tube Clearly Visible Blood Flah Back On The Hub Of The Needle, 22G, Trict Terile Packing, Compatible With Repective Evacuated Tube. 169 Evacuated Tube Holder Reusable, Compatible With Both Needle And Evacuated Tube. 170 Nonvacuum Tube With 3.8% Odium Citrate For Er3.8% Odium Citrate To Blood Ratiowhen Filled Upto Uggeted Mark Of Filling Should Be Exactly In 1:4 Ratio. 171 Nonvacuum Plain Tube3 Ml Or More Draw Volume, Batch Wise Terility / Toxicity Certificate, Nonpillage Cloure Facility, No Clot Activator, Combution Data To Prove That It Is Afe For Environment On Incineration. 172 Tourniquet-Reuable With Velcro Tape And Buckle Mechanism.Latexfree Nylon Band Thread Through Plastic ''''D'''' Buckle For An Effective , Easily Applied Tourniquet.Isi / Ce Certified Preferable. 173 Dispoable Tourniquet 174 Syringe For Collecting Arterial Blood Sample For Abgpray Drised Heparin Coated With Ca Balanced Lithium Heparin A Per Ifcc Guideline 50Iu Heparin / Ml Of Blood, 3Ml Yringe. Compatible Needle 26G Ize, When Sample Are Collected Upto The Mark, Sample Overhead Air Pace Ha To Be Negligent. Afe Tranport Of Sample Should Be Poible In The Yringe. Should Have Needle Cloure With Uitable Material To Avoid Ga Exchange And Needle Tick Injury. 175 Syringe For Collecting Arterial Blood Sample For Abg Spray Dried Heparin Coated With Ca Balanced Lithium Heparin A Per Ifcc Guideline 50Iu Heparin / Ml Of Blood, 3Ml Yringe. Compatible Needle 28G Size, When Sample Are Collected Upto The Mark, Sample Overhead Air Space Has To Be Negligent. Safe Tranport Of Sample Should Be Possible In The Syringe. Should Have Needle Cloure With Uitable Material To Avoid Ga Exchange And Needle Tick Injury. 176 Paediatric Tube For Collecting Sample-Plain Tube 177 Paediatric Tube For Collecting Capillary Sample Edta 178 Sulphosalicylic Acid 179 Barium Chloride10% 180 Sodium Nitroprusside 181 Ammonia Solution- 182 Fouchet Analytical Grade, 100 G 183 Weigerts Hematoxylin 184 1% Acid Fuschin 185 1% Phosphomolybdic Acid 186 1% Methylene Blue 187 Van Geison Stain 188 Verhoeff''''s Iron Hematoxylin 189 2% Ferric Chloride 190 Potassium Metabisulphate 191 Ammoniacal Silver Nitate 192 Neutral Red 1% 193 Gms 194 Masson Fontana 195 Egg Albumin Powder 196 Ehrlich’ Reagent 197 Urine Strip – Glucose& Albumin, Clear Positive And Negative Result.Good Resistance To Humidity.No Colour Change After Testing Is Completed.Long Helf Life24 Month.Ce Certified. 198 Dirui H 11 Urine Analyzing Strip 199 Sulphur Powder 200 Ammonium Sulphate 201 Ph Paper In Both Acidic And Alkaline Range Of 0.1 Gradation 202 Fecal Occult Blood Card Test 203 Fit ( Fecal Immuno Chemical Test Kit – 204 Thermal Paper Roll 22X60mm 205 Thermal Paper Roll 22X57mm 206 Semen Diluting Fluid 207 Sputum Cuptranparent Plastic, Polypropylene Crew Capped Bottle With 50 Ml 208 Motion Collection Bottle With Suitable Brush / Spatula 209 Urine Quality 2 Level 210 Stool Sample Container With Collection Spatula - 211 Bile Esculin Agar 212 Cooked M Medium ( R.C. Medium ) 213 Macconkey Agar W / Cv, Nacl And 0.15% Bile Alt 214 Mannitol Motility Test Medium 215 Nutrient Agar 216 Nutrient Broth 217 Peptone Water 218 Sabouraud Dextroe Agar W / 3.0%Agar 219 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar W / Cyclohexamide, Chloramphenicol 220 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 221 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 222 Urea Agar Base, Christenen 223 Urea 40% Vial 224 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar 225 Xyloe Lyine Deoxycholate Agar 226 Alkaline Peptone Water 227 Sheep Blood Agar Plate 228 Chocolate Agar Plate 229 Gram Stain Kit Containing Gram'''' Crystal Violet, Gram'''' Iodine, Gram'''' Decolouriser, Safranin 0.5% 230 Kovac’ Indole Reagent 231 Indian Ink 232 Lactophenol Cotton Blue 233 Lugol’ Iodine 125Ml-Certified By The Biological Stain Commission Ce Certified Ivd Product 234 Afb Staining Kit 235 Albert Staining Kit 236 Amikacin 30 237 Aztreonam 30 238 Amoxyclav 10 239 Ampicillin 10 240 Ciprofloxacin 5 241 Colitin 10 ( Dic ) 242 Colistin ( Mic Determining Kit ) 243 Cefaperazone Sulbactam 75 / 30 244 Cefixime 5 245 Ceftriaxone 30 246 Cefoxitin 30 247 Cefepime 30 248 Clotrimaxazole 25 249 Clindamycin 2 250 Ceftazidime 30 251 Gentamicin 10 252 Erythromycin 15 253 Imipenem 10 254 Linezolid 30 255 Nitrofurantoin 300 256 Norfloxacin 10 257 Oxidase Disc 258 Optochin 5 259 Penicillin 10 260 Piperacillin 100 261 Piperacillin Tazobactam 100 / 10 262 Tetracycline 30 263 Teicoplanin 30 264 Vancomycin 30 265 Ceftazidime & Clavulanic Acid 30 / 10 266 Novobiocin 267 Furazolidone 268 Fosfomycin 269 Polymyxin 270 Bacitracin 271 Dengue ( Ns1, Igg, Igm Combination ) 272 Leptospira Igg+ Igm Card Test- 273 Salmonella Typhi Igm Card Test 274 Chikun Gunya Card Testrapid Method, 275 Vdrl Card Testrapid Method, , Syphilis Reagent 276 Rpr Kit ( Floculation Testreult In Titre, Not Card Test ) 277 Streptococcal Grouping Kit 278 Widal Test Kit Lide Agglutination Qualitative Antibody Detection 279 Hiv-Elisa Reagents 280 Hbs Ag--Elisa Reagents 281 Hcv--Elisa Reagents 282 Anti Hav Igm--Elisa Reagents 283 Hbe Ag--Elisa Reagents 284 Hbc Antibody Igm--Elisa Reagents 285 Hbe Ab-Elisa Reagents 286 Ana ( Erba ) --Elisa Reagents 287 Anti –Ds Dna--Elisa Reagents 288 Dengue Igm, --Elisa Reagents 289 Leptopira--Elisa Reagents 290 Hev Igm--Elisa Reagents 291 Tpha--Elisa Reagents 292 D-Dimer --Elisa Reagents 293 Face Tissue 294 Dettol Cleaning Solution 295 Distilled Water-5L Container 296 Thermal Paper For Token Machine Of Varying Size 297 Thermal Paper 22X57mm 298 Thermal Paper Of Varying Size 22X60mm 299 Glucose Powder Packet-- 100Gmisi / Fda / Ce0434 A Applicable 300 Needle Burner With Syringe Hub Cutter Good Quality 301 Test Tube Plastic 3Ml Good Quality 302 Test Tube Plastic 10Mlgood Quality 303 Test Tube Glass- 3Ml Good Quality 304 Test Tube Glass- 10Mlgood Quality 305 Test Tube Rack For 3Ml-Good Quality, 48 Lot, Plastic And Stainle Teel 306 Test Tube Rack For 5Ml -Good Quality, 48 Lot, Plastic And Stainle Teel 307 Test Tube Rack For 10Ml-Good Quality, 48 Lot, Plastic And Stainle Teel 308 Test Tube Rack ( 32 Lot, 5Ml Tube ) 309 Microcopic Slides-- Smooth Edged, Lint And Grease Free With Interleaving Paper And Dehydrating Agent Within Each Box To Prevent Moiture Accumulation And Fungal Growth ( 76X26x11.2Mm ) 310 Glucose Powder Packet-- 311 Icmr Approved Covid-19 Antigen Kit 312 Centrifuge Tube / Bucket ( Pp ) - 313 Centrifuge Tube / Bucket ( Pp ) 314 Measuring Jar 500 Ml 315 Measuring Jar 1000 Ml 316 Cover Slip 22X20mm 317 Cover Slip 60X22mm 318 Cover Glass 18 X 18Mm 319 Cedar Wood Oil With Refractive Index 1.516, 320 Microcopic Oil 321 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution- 322 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution- 323 Grinding Mortar 324 Staining Rack- 325 Staining Rack- 326 Water Bottle With Trunk Tube Dropper 327 Steel Tray With Lid ( 2Ft X 1Ft And 1Ft X 1Ft ) 328 Glass Slide 76 X 26 Mm With Froted Edge75 X 25 X 1.35Mm. 329 Normal Saline 330 Lead Pencil 331 Pencil ( Red ) 332 Diamond Tipped Gla Marking Pencil ( Permanent Gla Cratch ) Diamondpoint Marker, 5 In. ( 12.7Cm ) 333 Marker Pen 334 Conical Flask 500Ml , 335 Stopper Bottle 336 Pasteur Pipette- 337 Staining Dishes 338 Metal Slide Tray 339 Metallic Tray 15”X10” For Keeping The Staining Rack During Washing 340 Camel Brush 341 Autoclavable Petri Plate 342 Test Tube 18X 150Mm 343 Test Tube 18X 150Mm 344 Test Tube 18X 150Mm 345 Test Tube 15X 125Mm 346 Test Tube 15X 125Mm 347 Test Tube 15X 125Mm 348 Test Tube 10X 75Mm 349 Test Tube 10X 75Mm 350 Test Tube 10X 75Mm 351 Test Tube Rack 352 Test Tube Rack 353 Nichrome Loop A02 354 Nichrome Loop A019 355 Nichrome Loop A650 356 Sterile Urine Culture Bottle -30Ml 357 Sterile Wab Tick 358 Swab With Cotton Head In Hard Pp Tube With Wooden Stick ( Eto Terile ) 359 Autoclavable Bag For Waste Disposal 360 Phenolanalytical Grade 361 Carbon Brush For Centrifuge ( Suitable For 1 / 8Hp Centrifuge ) 362 Sperm Wash Htf Media 363 Double Denity Gradient Kit With Accsseories. 364 Semen Collection Container ( Nontoxic Plastic To Sperm And Of Non-Eluting Plastic To Avoid Altering Of Semen Quality ) 365 Hiv For Pcr / Truse Naat / Cbnaat 366 Covid19 For Pcr / True Naat / Cbnaat 367 Hpv For Pcr / True Naat / Cbnaat 368 Hcvrna For Pcr / True Naat / Cbnaat 369 Tbmycobacterium For Pcr / True Naat / Cbnaat 370 Tbmycobacterium Inh, Rfm Reitance For Pcr / Truse Naat / Cbnaat 371 Nipah For Pcr / True Naat / Cbnaat 372 H1n1 For Pcr / True Naat / Cbnaat 373 Needle For Evacuated Tube Clearly Visible Blood Flah Back On The Hub Of The Needle, 23G, Trict Terile Packing, Compatible With Repective Evacuated Tube. 374 Haematology Quality 3 Part ( Three Level ) A ) A Trilevel Specifically Designed For Use On Mot Hematology Analyzer That Meaure Up To 16 Parameter And 3Part White Blood Cell Differential B ) Liquid Ready Touse C ) Assayed Target Valuse For Parameter D ) Blood Cell Upenion E ) 160 Day Helf Life At 2–8°C F ) 21 Day Openvial Stability At 2–8°C Ce / Fda Approved 375 Haematology Quality 5 Part 376 Glucose 377 Choleterol 378 Urea 379 Creatinine 380 Total Bilirubin 381 Direct Bilirubin 382 Sgot 383 Sgpt 384 Alp 385 Protein 386 Albumin 387 Lipae 388 Calcium 389 Sodium ( Ise ) Should Provide An Ise Platform Free Of Cost For Testing A Long A The Concerned Are Used. N 390 Potaium ( Ise ) Should Provide An Ise Platform Free Of Cost For Testing A Long A The Concerned Are Used. N 391 Chloride ( Ise ) Should Provide An Ise Platform Free Of Cost For Testing A Long A The Concerned Are Used. N 392 Biochemistry Randox Quality Level Ii 393 Biochemistry Randox Quality Level Iii 394 Glass Slide 76 X 26 Mm With Frosted Edge75 X 25 X 1.35Mm. Tissue Paper Is Interleaved To Avoid Cratche And Fungus Growth. Packed In Tropical Packing Along With Desiccant For Long Helf Life.Isi / Fda / Ce0434 A Applicable. 395 Glucose Kit For Semiautomatic Biochemistry Analyer 396 Centrifuge Tube / Bucket ( Pp ) With Cork Crew Cappingtube That Are Part Of The Centrifuge Into Which We Keep Sample Tube 12X 1.5 Cm.Isi / Ce Certified Ivd Product Roteck M & Plastic 397 Glucose 398 Choleterol 399 Urea 400 Creatinine 401 Total Bilirubin 402 Sgot 403 Sgpt 404 Alp 405 Protein 406 Albumin 407 Lipase 408 Calcium 409 Troponin T Quality 410 ß Hcg Quality 411 Ra Factor Quality 412 Aso Quality 413 Crp Quality 414 Aso ( Immunoturbidimetry ) 415 Crp ( Immunoturbidimetry ) 416 Ra Factor ( Immunoturbidimetry ) 417 Biochemistry Randox Quality Level Ii & Iii Assayed, Lyophilized Human Erum Baed With Minimum 40 Analyte To Monitor Precision For Chemistry Assay A ) Human Serum Based B ) 3 Year Shelf Life At 2–8°C C ) 30 Day Frozen Recontituted Stability For Most Analyte D ) 7 Day Open Vial Stability At 2–8°C For Most Analytes Ce / Fda Approved , 28 Day Frozen Recontituted Stability For All Parameter Including Bilirubin And Alkaline Phophatase N 418 Cell Pack-20L Containing Sodium Chloride 6.38G / L, Boric Acid 1.00G / L, Sodium Tetraborate 0.20G / L, Edta2k 0.20G / L 419 Stomatolyer 4Ds 42 Ml Containing Ethylene Glycol 96.9%, Methanol 3.0%, Polymethine Dye 0.002% 420 Stromatolyer 4 Dl- 5 L Containing A Lying For Haematology Analyer 421 Dilusentabx Minidil Lmg Constaining Sodium Chloride 0.3%, Preservative 0.04%, Sodium Sulfate 0.9%, Dimethylolurea 0.1%, Sodium Fluoride 0.09% 422 Lyeabx Lyebio Constaining Edta, 2H2o 0.06%, Odium Chloride 1.4%, Diodium Hydrogen Phophate 0.23%, Odium Dihydrogen Phophate 0.012%, Dodecyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride ( Dtacl ) 2.4% 423 Cleaner1l Enzymatic Olution With Proteolytic Action For Cleaning Of Horiba Medical Blood Cell Counter. 424 20764930322 425 Cell Clean 426 Elite 580Dil-Containing Sodium Chloride 6.38G / L, Boric Acid 1.00G / L, Sodium Tetraborate 0.20G / L, Edta2k 0.20G / L 427 Elite 580Dil Lyse 1-Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 1.7G / L 428 Elite 580Dil Lyse 2-Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 1.7G / L 429 Elite 580Dil Lyse 3-Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 1.7G / L 430 Elite H Clean -Detergent For Fully Automated Haematology Analyer And Urine Analyer 431 Sulfolyser 432 Stromatolyser 4Ds- 42 Ml Containing Ethylene Glycol 96.9%, Methanol 3.0%, Polymethine Dye 0.002% 433 Stromatolyser 4Dl-- 5 L Containing A Lying For Haematology Analyer 434 Cell Clean-Concentrated Hypochlorite 435 Sulfolyer5l Containing Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 1.7G / L 436 Test Tubes Plastic 15 Ml With Conical Bottom 437 Water Bottle With Trunk Tube Dropper 500Ml 438 Roche C311 And C411 Reagents Material No 439 Material No 04880307190 440 Material No 04880285190 441 Material No 05422485190 442 Material No11298500316 443 Material No04489241190 444 Material No11555421216 445 Material No04489225190 446 Material No03121305122 447 Material No10759350190 448 Material No11447394216 449 Material No04528417190 450 Material No12172623122 451 Material No03555941190 452 Materail No11355279216 453 Material No12146401216 454 Material No11183982216 455 Material No11183974216 456 Material No20751995190 457 Material No12172828322 458 Material No04528182190 459 Material No05979854190 460 Material No04522630190 461 Material No04522320190 462 Material No11360981216 463 Material No04489357190 464 Material No04708725190 465 Material No04555040001 466 Material No03005496122 467 Material No20766321322 468 Material No20753009190 469 Material No20752401190 470 Material No04567021190 471 Material No05117208922 472 Material No05117003190 473 Material No05117291922 474 Material No05117216190 475 Material No05479207190 476 Material No05912504190 477 Material No03121313122 478 Material No03121291122 479 Material No10171778122 480 Material No04524977190 481 Material No04399803190 482 Material No03149501001 483 Material No04813707001 484 Material No05182549001 485 Material No05182522001 486 Material No7876033190 487 Material No5958024190 488 Material No12000949 489 Material No244 ( Bharath ) 490 Calcium Chloride For Aptt 491 Vacutainer Holder 492 Torniquet 493 Material No4912551190 494 Material No5050901190 495 Material No5050936190 496 Ball Beads For Pt 497 Pt Well 498 1N Hcl 499 Barcode Paper 500 Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts Sucrose Agar 501 Salmonella Shigella Agar 502 Anaerobic Jar 503 Reagent Kits 504 Albert''''s Stain ''''A'''' 505 Albert''''s Stain ''''B'''' 506 Andrades Indicator 507 Arginine Dihydrolase 508 Barrett Reagent A 509 Barrett Reagent B 510 Basic Blue Powder ( C26h33cl2n3 ) 511 Brilliant Green Certified Powder 512 Entero Pathogenic Escherichia Coli ( 026, 055, 0126, 0111 ) 513 Meningitis Test Kit ( H Influenza, St, Pneumonia, N.Meningitidis ( Latex Agglutination ) 514 O''''meara Reagent 515 Abg Cartridge ( Sensors, Solutions, Waste Bag, Tubing Etc. ) For Arterial Blood Gas Analyser, Disposable 516 Acid / Alkali Cuvette Auto Wash Solution 517 Alt / Sgpt Powder 518 Anti Cardiolipin Igg / Igm Combi Elisa Kit ( Microwell Elisa ) 519 Apo-A, Apolipoprotein A, ( Auto Analyser ) Including Calibrator 520 Apo-B, Apolipoprotein B, ( Auto Analyser ) Including Calibrator 521 Assay Buffer Procell Eclia Kit 522 C-Peptide Elisa Kit 523 Calcium Rinse Soln. For Automated Electrolyte Analyser 524 Cell Clean For Automated Cell Counter 525 Cell Control For Automated Cell Counter 526 Chemistry Control, Assayed Multiparameter Control ( Abnormal / Pathological Range ) Human Matrix Lyophilised 527 Chemistry Control, Assayed Multiparameter Control ( Normal Range ) Human Matrix Lyophilised 528 Chloride Electrode For Automated Electrolyte Analyser 529 Cholinesterase Kit, Ifcc Liquid Stable 530 Ck / Cpk Mb ( Kinetic Liquid Stable ) 531 Ck / Cpk Nac ( Kinetic Liquid Stable ) 532 Clean Cell Eclia Kit 533 Conditioner For Automated Electrolyte Analyser Electrodes 534 Deproteinizer For Automated Electrolyte Analyser 535 Dhea-S Kit ( Micro Well Elisa ) 536 Diluent, Universal For Eclia Kit 537 Electrolyte Analyser Rinse / Cleaning Solution Kit 538 Electrolyte Solution Na / K / Cl, 800Ml 539 Electrolyte Solution Na / K / Cl / Li Four Channel 540 Ferritin ( Micro Well Elisa ) 541 Ferritin Kit, Serum 542 Albumin ( Bcg Dye Method ) 543 Alkaline Phosfatase ( Colormetric Method ) 544 Alkaline Phosfatase ( Kinetic Pnpp / Ifcc Liquid Stable ) 545 Alpha Amylase ( Kinetic Ifcc Liquid Stable ) 546 Albumin ( Bcg Dye Method ) 547 Alt / Sgpt ( Dnph End Point, Colorimetric ) 548 Alt / Sgpt ( Kinetic Ifcc Uv Optimized Liquid Stable ) 549 Ast / Sgot ( Dnph End Point, Colorimetric ) 550 Ast / Sgot ( Kinetic Ifcc Liquid Stable ) 551 Bilirubin Total And Direct ( Jendrassic & Grof ) 552 Calcium ( Ocpc Method ) 553 Cholesterol Kit ( Enzymatic ) Liquid 554 Cholesterol Total & Hdl ( Chod-Pap End Point With Peg Precipitation ) 555 Creatinine ( Modified Jaffereaction / Initial Rate Chemistry ) 556 G6pd ( Kinetic ) 557 D-Dimer ( Xl-Fdp ) 558 G6pd Qualitative 559 Ggt Kit Kinetic, Liquid Stable, Ifcc 560 Glucose Kit ( Enzymatic ) 561 Glucose Kit ( God-Pod Method, End Point ) 562 Glucose Test Strip ( Glucostrip For Glucometer ) , Rapid Strip Test 563 Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Calibrator Set 564 Glycoslylated Hemoglobin A1c ( Ion-Exchange Resin ) 565 Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Test Kit 566 Hdl Cholesterol ( Peg Method ) 567 Hdl Cholesterol Direct Liquid ( Autoanalyser ) 568 Inorganic Phosphorus ( For Auto Analyser ) 569 Inorganic Phosphorus ( Gommoris Method 570 Inorganic Phosphorus ( Modified Metol Method ) 571 Ion Selective Electrode Fluid Pack For Automated Electrolyte Analyser 572 Iron And Tibc ( Ferrozyme Method ) 573 Iron Kit, Serum 574 Lactate Kit 575 Ldh Kit Liquid Stable Ifcc 576 Ldl Cholesterol ( Direct ) With Calibrator 577 Ldl Cholesterol Direct ( Without Centrifugation ) With Calibrator 578 Lipase Ifcc Kinetic, Liquid Stable 579 Lithium Electrode For Automated Electrolyte Analyser 580 Lysing Solution For Automated Cell Counter 581 Magnesium Kit 582 Micro Total Protein Quantitative ( Pyrogallol ) 583 P.M Kit 584 Porphobilinogen Urine 585 Potassium Bicarbonate 586 Potassium Electrode For Automated Electrolyte Analyser 587 Protein C 588 Protein S 589 Reference Electrode For Automated Electrolyte Analyser 590 Reference Housing For Automated Electrolyte Analyser 591 Serum Calibrator For Autoanalyser 592 Sodium & Potassium Standard Solution ( For Flame Photometer ) 593 Sodium Electrode For Automated Electrolyte Analyser 594 System Autowash Kit 595 System Wash Eclia Kit 596 Tibc ( Total Iron Binding Capacity ) Kit, Serum 597 Total Lipids 598 Total Protein ( Biurate ) And Albumin ( Bcg Dye Binding ) 599 Transferrin Kit 600 Triglycerides ( Enzymatic Gpo End Point ) 601 Troponin I Rapid Test ( Single Pack ) 602 Urea ( Kinetic Gldh ) 603 Urea Enzymatic Berthelot 604 Uric Acid ( Enzymatic End Point ) 605 Urinary Micro Albumin Kit 606 Vma Serum Kit 607 Vma Urinary Elisa Kit ( Micro Well Elisa ) 608 Wright''''s Stain 609 17 Oh-Progesterone Elisa Kit Serum ( Micro Well Elisa ) 610 Anti Insulin Abs 611 Estradiol ( E2 ) Elisa Kit ( Micro Well Elisa ) 612 Estriol ( E3 ) Elisa Kit ( Micro Well Elisa ) 613 Folic Acid 614 Free Testosterone 615 Fsh ( Micro Well Elisa ) 616 Growth Hormone ( Micro Well Elisa ) 617 Growth Hormone Calibrator Set 618 Ft4 2Nd Generation Cs Kit 619 Parathyroid Hormone ( Pth ) Elisa Kit 620 Progesterone Serum ( Micro Well Elisa ) 621 Prolactin ( Micro Well Elisa ) 622 T3, Free, Elisa Kit ( Micro Well Elisa ) 623 T3, Whole, Elisa Kit ( Micro Well Elisa ) 624 T4, Free, Elisa Kit ( Micro Well Elisa ) 625 T4, Free, Elisa Kit ( Micro Well Elisa ) 626 T4, Whole, Elisa Kit ( Micro Well Elisa ) 627 Testosterone Serum ( Micro Well Elisa ) 628 Tsh ( Micro Well Elisa ) 629 Vitamin B1 Kit 630 Vitamin B12 Kit 631 Vitamin B6 Kit 632 Vitamin C Kit 633 Vitamin B1 Kit 634 Vitamin B12 Kit 635 Vitamin D Kit 636 Vitamin D3 Kit 637 Vitamin K Kit 638 Vitamin D Kit 639 Diluent For Automated Haematology Analyser 640 Dye For Automated Haematology Analyser 641 Fdp Kit 642 Hematology Control Liquicheck Biorad ( Low / Normal / High ) For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 643 Erba Norm Control Kit 644 Ds Diluent Soln. 645 M-6 Fn Dye Soln. 646 Precision Quality Control Universal 647 Hemoglobin Colorimetric Assay Kit 648 Human Thrombin Elisa Kit 649 Lysing Solution For Automated Haematology Analyser 650 Lyser 500Ml 651 Multisera Control Kit, High 652 Multisera Control Kit, Low 653 M-6 Fd Lyse Soln. 654 M-6 Ld Lyse Soln. 655 M-6 Lh Lyse Soln. 656 M-6 Ln Lyse Soln. 657 Procan Cleaner 658 Procan Diluent 659 Perl''''s Stain Kit 660 Probe Cleaner For Haematology Analyser 661 Reagent For Removing Warm Auto Antibody 662 Reticulocyte Fluid 663 Ball Vial For Pt 664 Bovine Albumin ( Bovine Serum Albumin ) 665 Bovine Albumin 22% 666 Bovine Albumin 22.7% 667 Bovine Serum Albumin Fraction V 668 Egg Albumin Flakes 669 Meyer''''s Egg Albumin 670 Monoclonal Antibodies S-100 671 Monoclonal Antibodies Vegf 672 Monoclonal Antibodies'''' Serotonin 673 Monoclonal Antibodies'''' Synaptophysin 674 Monoclonal Antibodies'''' Thyroglobulin 675 Monoclonal Antibodies'''' Vimentin 676 Reticulin Stain Kit 677 Aldosteron Kit 678 Anf / Ana Latex Agglutination Kit 679 Anti Microsomal ( A-Tpo ) Antibody ( Microwell Elisa ) 680 Anti Mitochondrial Antibody 681 Anti Thyroid Antibodies 682 Antiphospholipid Igg / Igm Elisa Kit ( Microwell Elisa ) 683 Antithyriod Antibodies ( Microwell Elisa ) -Anti Microsomal Antibody 684 Antithyroglobulin Antibody ( Microwell Elisa ) 685 Coombs Gel Card 686 Anti-Tpo, Anti-Tg Immuno Quality Controls 687 Aso Latex Agglutination 688 Breast Cancer Monitor ( Ca15-3 ) 689 Breast Cancer Monitor ( Ca27.29 ) 690 C-Reactive Protein / Crp Latex Agglutination 691 C-Reactive Protein-High Sensitivity / Crp-Hs 692 Immunoglobulins Iga 693 Immunoglobulins Ige 694 Immunoglobulins Igg 695 Immunoglobulins Igm 696 Insulin C-Peptide ( Micro Well Elisa ) 697 Insulin Elisa Kit 698 Insulin Growth Factor 699 Luteinizing Hormone ( Lh ) Micro Well Elisa 700 Luteinizing Hormone ( Surge, Urinary ) Card Type Individual Pack 701 Micro Total Proteins ( Turbidimetric ) 702 Myoglobin 703 Pancreatic Cancer Monitor ( Ca 19-9 ) 704 Plasma Rennin 705 Beta Hcg In Blood 706 Free Beta Hcg In Blood 707 Prostate Specific Antigen ( Micro Well Elisa ) 708 Rbc Folate 709 Rbc Folate Gen Iii Eclia Calibrator Set 710 Rbc Folate Gen Iii Eclia Kit 711 Smooth Muscle Ab Elisa Kit 712 Smooth Muscle Antibody Iift 713 Total Ige Elisa Kit 714 Quantiferon Tb Gold Test 715 Tuberculin Ppd ( 1 Tu ) 716 Tuberculin Ppd ( 10 Tu ) 717 Tuberculin Ppd ( 5 Tu ) 718 Plasmodium Falciperum Antigen Rapid Immunochromatographic Detection Kit, Mrc, Nicd Approved 719 Plasmodium Falciperum / Plasmodium Vivax Malaria ( Pf / Pv ) Rapid Test ( Pldh ) ( Strip ) Mrc, Nicd Approved 720 Benedict''''s Qualitative Reagent 721 Benedict''''s Quantitative Reagent 722 Carcino Embryonic Antigen / Cea Eclia Kit 723 Esbach''''s Reagent 724 Hyaluronidase Reagent Grade 725 Gradient Media For Semen Preparation 726 Fertipro Sil Select Plus, Lower Layer, 90% 727 Fertipro Sil Select Plus, Upper Layer, 45% 728 Fertipro Sil Select Plus, Wash Media, 80% 729 Homocysteine Kit 730 Creatine Kit ( Erba-Lab ) 731 Leukocyte Myelo Peroxidase Staining Kit 732 Nitric Oxide Assy Kit 733 Reagent For Acid Elution Of Antibody 734 Reagent For Removing Cold Auto Antibody 735 Reagent For Removing Red Cell Bound Immunoglobulin 736 Tris ( Hydroxy Methyl ) Buffer Base Ar 737 Vitamin A Kit 738 Vitamin E Assay Kit 739 Anti Cmv Igg ( Sandwitch Elisa ) 740 Anti Cmv Igg Quantitative Elisa Kit 741 Anti Cmv Igm Quantitative Elisa Kit 742 Anti Cmv Igm U- Capture Elisa Kit 743 Anti Hbc Total ( Igg +Igm ) Elisa 744 Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody ( Anca ) Test Kit, Fluorescent Assay 745 Anca Test Kit, Immunoconcept 746 Hep 2000 Igg Ana Ro Test Kit, Immunoconcept 747 Anti Rubella - Igg ( Sandwitch Elisa ) 748 Anti Rubella Igg Quantitative Elisa Kit 749 Anti Rubella Igm Capture Elisa Kit 750 Anti Toxoplasma Igg Quantitative Elisa Kit 751 Anti Toxoplasma Igg ( Sandwich Elisa ) 752 Anti Toxoplasma Igm ( Capture Elisa ) 753 Antibodies Against Treponema Pallidum By Elisa 754 Antigen Proteus ( Ox2+Oxk+Ox19 ) 755 Antitoxoplasma Igm Capture Elisa Kit 756 Antitoxoplasma Igm Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay 757 Brucella Agglutination Kit 758 Chlamydia Antigen Detection Kit 759 Cryptococcus Antigen Detection Kit ( Elisa / Eia ) 760 Cryptococcus Antigen Detection Latex 761 Filarial Detection Kit 762 Hiv Comb Aids Kit 763 Span - Hiv Comb Aids Kit - 48 Test 764 Span Hiv Comb Aids Kit-96Tests 765 Hiv I & Ii Detection Kit Rapid, ( Card Test ) Screening, Naco Approved 766 Hsv-I Igg, ( Microwell Elisa ) 767 Hsv-I Igm ( Microwell Elisa ) 768 Hsv-Ii Igg ( Microwell Elisa ) 769 Hsv-Ii Igm ( Microwell Elisa ) 770 Micro And Macro Agglutination Test Kit For Leptospira 771 Tpha / Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination Test For Syphilis 772 Treponema Pallidium Detection Kit ( Gel Technology ) 773 Treponema Pallidum Elisa Kit 774 Typhus Fever Rapid Test 775 Vdrl ( Cardiolipin Antigen-For Floccultion ) Test Kit 776 Widal Antigen Set Tube Test With Control And Standard Accessories 777 Malaria Card Test 778 Muller- Hinton Agar 779 Vp Medium 780 Og6 Reagent 781 Rubella Igm 782 Bacteriology Culture Media 783 Acetamide Agar 784 Agarose Powder 785 Alkaline Peptone Water As Per Indian Standard Published By Bis 786 Anaerobic Blood Agar Base With Vitamin K1 Sippliment 787 Aronsons Media 788 Aryl Sulphatase Media 789 Bile Esculin Agar For Differencial Isolation & Presumtive Identification Of Group D Streptococci 790 Bile Salt Agar As Per Bis Standard 791 Bird Seed Agar 792 Blood Agar Base 793 Blood Agar Base For Max. Recovery Of Steptococci, Pneumococci And Other Fastigious Organism And Retaining Their Hemolytic Character 794 Brain Heart Infusion Agar 795 Brain Heart Infusion Broth 796 Cetrimide Agar 797 Cled Agar With Bromothymol Blue 798 Cled Agar With Bromothymol Blue For Urinary Pathogens 799 Coagulase Mannitol Agar Base 800 Coagulase Mannitol Broth Base 801 Columbia Blood Agar Base 802 Cornmeal Agar 803 Crystal Violet Blood Agar Based 804 Cysteine Tellurite Agar 805 Decarboxylase Broth Base ( Moeller ) 806 Dermatophyte Medium 807 Dnase Agar And Toluidine Blue 808 Escheriachia Coli Atcc 25922 809 Gelatin Media 810 Gelatin Taurocholate Trypticase 811 Hichrome Uti Agar 812 Hippurate Disc 813 Hugh Leifson Glucose Media 814 Indole Nitrate Medium 815 Indole Nitrate Medium 816 Kanamycin Blood Agar 817 L J Medium Slants 818 Lactose Sugar 819 Lowenstein Jensen Media 820 Mannitol Salt Agar Base 821 Mc Conkey Agar W / O Ccv With 15% Bile Salt 822 Mc Conkey Agar W / O Cv, Nacl With 5% Sod Taurocholate 823 Mr Vp Broth 824 Neomycin Blood Agar 825 Niacin Media 826 Nitrate Broth 827 Phenolphthalein Phosphatase Agar 828 Phenylalanine Agar 829 Phenylalanine Deaminase Agar 830 Potato Dextrose Agar 831 Pseudomonas Aueroginosa Atcc 27853 832 Pyr Agar 833 Tcbs Agar 834 Salmonella Shigella Agar 835 Selenite F Broth 836 Simmon''''s Citrate Agar 837 Sorbitol Mc Conkey Agar O157 838 Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 25923 839 Sucrose Sugar 840 Sugar Assimilation Agar 841 Tryptose Agar 842 Tryptose Broth 843 Urea Agar Base ( Christensen ) ( Autoclavable ) 844 Wilson And Blair Medium 845 Xld Agar 846 Yeast Extract Agar 847 Bacteriology -Antibiotic Disc 848 Amoxycillin Aml10 849 Amoxycillin Aml2 850 Amoxycillin Aml25 851 Amoxycillin / Clavulanate Amc30 852 Ampicillin Amp2 853 Ampicillin Amp25 854 Ampicillin / Sulbactam Sam20 855 Ampicillin / Sulbactam Sam30 856 Apramycin Apr15 857 Augmentin 3 Amc3 858 Azithromycin Azm15 859 Azlocillin Azl30 860 Azlocillin Azl75 861 Aztreonam Atm30 862 Bacitracin 863 Bacitracin B10 864 Bacitracin Discs ( Dd2 ) 0.04Unit 865 Carbenicillin Car100 866 Cefaclor Cec30 867 Cefadroxil Cfr30 868 Cefamandole Ma30 869 Cefepime Fep30 870 Cefixime Cfm5 871 Cefoperazone Cfp30 872 Cefoperazone Cfp75 873 Cefotaxim Ctx30 874 Cefotaxim Ctx5 875 Cefotaxim / Clavulanic Acid 3:1 Cd03 Esbls 876 Cefotetan Ctt30 877 Cefpirome Cpo30 878 Cefpodoxime Cpd10 879 Cefpodoxime / Clavulanic Acid 10:1 Cd01 Esbls 880 Cefprozil Cpr30 881 Cefsulodin Cfs30 882 Ceftazidime Caz10 883 Ceftazidime Caz30 884 Ceftibuten 30 Cft30 885 Ceftiofur 886 Ceftizoxime Zox30 887 Ceftriaxone Cro50 888 Cefuroxime Cxm30 889 Cefuroxime Cxm5 890 Cephalexin Cl30 891 Cephaloridine Cr30 892 Cephaloridine Cr5 893 Cephalothin Kf30 894 Cephazolin Kz30 895 Cephradine Ce30 896 Chloramphenicol C10 897 Chloramphenicol C30 898 Chloramphenicol C50 899 Cinoxacin Cin100 900 Ciprofloxacin Cip1 901 Ciprofloxacin Cip10 902 Clarithromycin Clr15 903 Clarithromycin Clr2 904 Clarithromycin Clr5 905 Clindamycin Da10 906 Cloxacillin Ob5 907 Colistin Sulphate Ct10 908 Colistin Sulphate Ct25 909 Colistin Sulphate Ct50 910 Compound Sulphonamides S3 300 911 Daptomycin 30Ug Disc 912 Doxycycline Do30 913 Enrofloxacin Enr5 914 Ertapenem Etp10 915 Erythromycin E10 916 Erythromycin E30 917 Erythromycin E5 918 Framycetin Fy100 919 Furazolidone Fr100 920 Furazolidone Fr15 921 Antibiotic Disc Furazolidone Fr50 922 Fusidic Acid Fd10 923 Fusidic Acid Fd5 924 Fusidic Acid Fd50 925 Gatifloxacin 2Mcg Gtx2 926 Gatifloxacin Gtx5 927 Gentamicin Cn30 928 Kanamycin K30 929 Kanamycin K5 930 Levofloxacin Lev 5 931 Lincomycin My10 932 Meropenem Mem10 933 Methicillin Met10 934 Methicillin Met5 935 Metronidazole Mtz5 936 Metronidazole Mtz50 937 Metronidazole Discs 50 Mcg ( Dd8 ) 938 Minocycline Mh30 939 Nalidixic Acid Na30 940 Neomycin N10 941 Neomycin N30 942 Netilmicin Net10 943 Netilmicin Net30 944 Nitrofurantoin F100 945 Nitrofurantoin F50 946 Novobiocin 947 Novobiocin Nv30 948 Novobiocin Nv5 949 Nystatin Ns100 950 Ofloxacin Ofx5 951 Onpg Discs ( Dd13 ) 952 Optochin Discs Dd1 953 Oxacillin Ox1 954 Oxacillin Ox5 955 Oxytetracycline Ot30 956 Pefloxacin Pef5 957 Piperacillin 30 / Tazobactam 10 Tzp40 958 Piperacillin Prl30 959 Piperacillin Prl75 960 Piperacillin / Tazobact 75+10 Tzp85 961 Polymyxin B Pb300 962 Quinopristin / Dalfopristin Qda15 963 Spectinomycin Sh25 964 Sps Discs ( Dd16 ) 965 Sulbactam / Cefoprazone 966 Sulphonamide Discs ( Dd11 ) 967 Tetracycline Te10 968 Tetracycline Te5 969 Tetracycline Te50 970 Ticarcillin Tic75 971 Tigecycline 15Ug Discs 972 Tobramycin Tob10 973 Tobramycin Tob 30 974 Trimethoprim+Sulphamethoxazole Sxt25 975 V Factor Discs ( Dd4 ) 976 Penicilli 10 977 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares -Beaker 978 Beaker 1000Ml. 979 Beaker 100Ml. 980 Beaker 10Ml. 981 Beaker 250Ml. 982 Beaker 500Ml. 983 Beaker 50Ml. 984 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares -Conical Flask 985 Conical Flask 100Ml 986 Conical Flask 250Ml 987 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares--Coverslip 988 Coverslip 18X18mm 989 Coverslip 22X22mm 990 Coverslip 22X22mm 991 Coverslip 22X30mm 992 Coverslip 22X40mm 993 Coverslip 22X50mm 994 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 995 Cuvettes For Hb% And Haematocrit Estimation 996 Cuvettes With Magnetic Stirrers 997 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 998 Petri Dishes, Diameter: 90Mm 999 Petri Dishes, Diameter: 90Mm, Two-Compartment 1000 Petridish 1001 Watch Glass Large 1002 Watch Glass Small 1003 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 1004 Embedding Cassette With Lid 1005 Embedding Histo Blocks 1006 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 1007 Amber Glass Bottle 100Ml. 1008 Amber Glass Bottle 120Ml. 1009 Amber Glass Bottle 180Ml. 1010 Amber Glass Bottle 270Ml. 1011 Amber Glass Bottle 500Ml. 1012 Amber Glass Bottle 60Ml. 1013 Plain Glass Bottle 100Ml. 1014 Plain Glass Bottle 250Ml. 1015 Plain Glass Bottle 500Ml. 1016 Spirit Lamp ( Glass ) 1017 Spirit Lamp ( Glass ) 1018 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 1019 Glass Rods 5 Mm Dia 1 Mt. Length 1020 Glass Rods 5 Mm Dia 12 Inch Length 1021 Glass Rods 5 Mm Dia 18 Inch Length 1022 Glass Rods 5 Mm Dia 24 Inch Length 1023 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares 1024 Coplin Jar Glass 1025 Staining Jar Glass 1026 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - Measuring Cylinder 1027 Measuring Cylinder 1000Ml. 1028 Measuring Cylinder 100Ml. 1029 Measuring Cylinder 5000Ml. 1030 Measuring Jars 50Ml 1031 Measuring Jars 100Ml 1032 Measuring Jars 250Ml 1033 Micro Pipette Station ( Stand ) , Acrylic 1034 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 1035 Micro Tips Micro Pipette Tips Volume Range 10 100Ul 1036 Micro Tips, Micro Pipette Tips, Volume / Range: 0.1-10Ul 1037 Micro Tips, Micro Pipette Tips, Volume / Range: 0.2-20Ul 1038 Micro Tips, Micro Pipette Tips, Volume / Range: 100-1000Ul 1039 Micro Tips, Micro Pipette Tips, Volume / Range: 10Ul 1040 Micro Tips, Micro Pipette Tips, Volume / Range: 2-200Ul 1041 Micro Tips, Micro Pipette Tips, Volume / Range: 2-300Ul 1042 Micro Tips, Micro Pipette Tips, Volume / Range: 200-1000Ul 1043 Micro Tips, Micro Pipette Tips, Volume / Range: 5-50Ul 1044 Micro Tips, Universal, Blue / Natural Colour, Transparent, Pp, Autoclavable, 100 Microlit Capacity. 1045 Micro Tips, Universal, Blue / Natural Colour, Transparent, Pp, Autoclavable, 200-200 Microlit Capacity. 1046 Micro Tips, Universal, Blue / Natural Colour, Transparent, Pp, Autoclavable, 200-500 Microlit Capacity. 1047 Micro Tips, Universal, Yellow Colour, Transparent, Pp, Autoclavable, 100 Microlit Capacity 1048 Microtip, 1-100 Microl, Autoclavable, Universal 1049 Microtip, 1-100 Microl, Long Collar, Autoclavable, Universal 1050 Microtip, 1-100 Microl, Short Collar, Autoclavable, Universal 1051 Microtip, 200-1000 Microl, Autoclavable, Universal 1052 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 1053 Blood Culture Bottle 1054 Plastic Bottle 120Ml. 1055 Plastic Bottle 180Ml. 1056 Plastic Bottle 270Ml. 1057 Plastic Bottle 30Ml. 1058 Plastic Bottle 500Ml. 1059 Plastic Bottle 60Ml. 1060 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 1061 Transfer Pipettes ( Pasture Pipette ) , Volume: 0.2Ml 1062 Transfer Pipettes ( Pasture Pipette ) , Volume: 1Ml 1063 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 1064 Respirometer, Disposable, Sterile 1065 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares - 1066 Serological Pipettes, Gamma Steriled, Volume: 10Ml, Graduation: 01 / 10 1067 Serological Pipettes, Gamma Steriled, Volume: 1Ml, Graduation: 1 / 100 1068 Serological Pipettes, Gamma Steriled, Volume: 25Ml, Graduation:1 / 20 1069 Serological Pipettes, Gamma Steriled, Volume: 2Ml, Graduation:1 / 100 1070 Serological Pipettes, Gamma Steriled, Volume: 5Ml, Graduation:01 / 50 1071 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares 1072 Slide Mailer, 2 Places 1073 Slide Mailer, 5 Places 1074 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares 1075 Micro Slides, Burr-Free Ground Edges, Plain, Size : 75X25mmx 2-3Mm 1076 Slide Box Ps, Capacity 100 Slides 1077 Slide Box Ps, Capacity 50 Slides 1078 Slide Box, 25 Places 1079 Slide Box, 50 Places 1080 Slide Dispenser Abs / Pc, Capacity 50 Slides 1081 Slide Holder Tray, Aluminium, Open 1082 Slide Holder Tray, Plastic, Open 1083 Slide Rack Abs / Pc, Capacity 50 Slides 1084 Slide Rack / Stand Wooden 1085 Slide Tray Cabinet 1086 Vdrl Slides ( 12 Welled Slide ) 1087 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares 1088 Capillary Tube 1089 Rubber Teat For Pipette 1090 Sahli''''s Haemoglobinometer Tube 1091 Wintrobe''''s Tube With Prominent Graduations 1092 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares 1093 Eppendorf Plastic Tube / Vial 0.5Ml 1094 Eppendorf Plastic Tube / Vial 1.5Ml 1095 Eppendorf Plastic Tube / Vial 2Ml 1096 Sample Cup For Autoanalyser, Disposable, 2Ml. 1097 Sample Cup For Autoanalyser, Disposable, Conical Bottom, Polystyrene, 0.5Ml. 1098 Specimen Tube Disposable, Without Anticoagulant, Vaccum, Self-Filling With Air-Tight Rubber Cap With Plastic Rim And Inert Glass Body 1099 Urine Specimen Container Sterilised Screw Cap ( 50 Ml ) 1100 Vial, Dipotassium Edta Sprayed, Polyestyrene, Air Tight Screw-Capped, Disposable, 2-5Ml 1101 Vial, Gel Clot Activator, Plain ( Without Anticoagulant ) , Polypropylene, Air Tight Screw-Capped, Autoclavable, 3Ml 1102 Vial, Plain ( Without Anticoagulant ) , Polypropylene, Air Tight Screw-Capped, Autoclavable, 2-5Ml 1103 Vial, Plain ( Without Anticoagulant ) , Polypropylene, Air Tight Screw-Capped, Autoclavable, 3Ml 1104 Vial, Plain ( Without Anticoagulant ) , Polypropylene, Air Tight Screw-Capped, Disposable, 6-10Ml 1105 Vial, Sodium Fluoride Sprayed, Polyestyrene, Air Tight Screw-Capped, Disposable, 2-5Ml 1106 Lab Glasswares And Plasticwares 1107 Test Tube Basket Pp Autoclavable 16 X 16 X 16 Cm ( Pack Of 6 Pcs ) 1108 Test Tube Stand Rpp 13-15 Mm, 48 Tube Places ( Plastic / Fibre ) 1109 Test Tube Stand Rpp 13-15 Mm, 48 Tube Places ( Plastic / Fibre ) 1110 Test Tube Stand Rpp 13-15 Mm, 90 Tube Places ( Pack Of 4 Pcs ) 1111 Test Tubes, Thickness: 0.8 -1.0 Mm, Size 10 X 75 Mm 1112 Test Tubes, Thickness: 0.8 -1.0 Mm, Size 12 X 100 Mm 1113 Test Tubes, Thickness: 0.8 -1.0 Mm, Size 12 X 75 Mm 1114 Test Tubes, Thickness: 0.8 -1.0 Mm, Size 15 X 125 Mm 1115 Test Tubes, Thickness: 0.8 -1.0 Mm, Size 15 X 150 Mm 1116 Test Tubes, Thickness: 0.8 -1.0 Mm, Size 18 X 150 Mm 1117 Test Tubes, Thickness: 1.0-1.2 Mm, Size 10 X 75 Mm 1118 Test Tubes, Thickness: 1.0-1.2 Mm, Size 12 X 100 Mm 1119 Test Tubes, Thickness: 1.0-1.2 Mm, Size 12 X 75 Mm 1120 Test Tubes, Thickness: 1.0-1.2 Mm, Size 15 X 125 Mm 1121 Test Tubes, Thickness: 1.0-1.2 Mm, Size 15 X 150 Mm 1122 Test Tubes, Thickness: 1.0-1.2 Mm, Size 18 X 150 Mm 1123 Wattmann No:1 Filter Paper 1124 Test Tube Stand Pvc 48H 1125 Test Tube Cleaning Brush 1126 Spotty Plaster 1127 Esr Stand Powder Coated 1128 Esr Stand Stainless Steel 1129 Miscellaneous 1130 Loop Holder 1131 Inoculation Loop 1132 Inoculation Wire 1133 Stopper Bottles 1134 Acm 1135 Red Pencil 1136 B P Knife Handle 1137 Mask & Apron For Grossing Personnel 1138 Streptoccocal Grouping Kit 1139 Thermal Paper Token Machine 1140 Thermal Paper Of Varying Sizes 1141 Bunsen Burner With Rubber Tube 1142 Lpg Gas With Connector 1143 Apron 1144 Cap 1145 Bacteriology 1146 2 Mercaptotethanol ( 2-Me ) 1147 Acid Acetic 1148 Acid Fuchsin 1149 Acid Hydrochloric Concentrated 95% 1150 Alpha Naphthylamine 1151 Alpha Napthol 1152 Beffered Glycerol Saline 1153 Bromocresol Purple 1154 Bromothymol Blue Powder 1155 Butanol 1156 Calcium Chloride Solution 0.025 M 1157 Crystal Violet Gram Stain Solution 1158 Crystal Violet Staining Powder 1159 Drabkins Solution For Haemoglobin 1160 Dextrose Powder 1161 Distilled Water ( Reagent Grade With Certified Purity ) 1162 Edta Powder ( Dipotassium Salt ) 1163 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 1164 Glucose ( Dextrose ) 1165 Gram''''s Iodine Solution 1166 Gram''''s Saffranine Solution 1167 Immersion Oil 1168 Iodine Crystalline 1169 Lactophenol Cotton Blue Stain Solution 1170 Leishman''''s Eosin-Methylene Blue Stain Solution 1171 Lysine Decarboxylase 1172 Malachite Green 1173 Mannitol ( D-Mannitol Extra Pure ) 1174 Methyl Red 1175 Methylene Blue ( Zinc Free ) Ar Grade 1176 Ornithine Decarboxylase 1177 Phenol Red Indicator 1178 Phosphate Buffer Saline Ph7.2 1179 Potassium Iodide 1180 Saffranine O 1181 Sodium Azide Ar 1182 Sodium Desoxycholate 1183 Sodium Hippurate 1184 Sulfanilic Acid 1185 Tannic Acid 1186 Zinc Dust 1187 Biochemistry - 1188 Acid Molybdic 1189 Acid Phosfatase ( Total + Prostatic ) ( Kinetic Liquid Stable Ifcc ) 1190 Bromine Water 1191 Casein 1192 Copper Acetate 1193 Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride ( Dab ) 1194 Edible Glucose ( 100 Gm ) 1195 Extran Ma 01 Alkaline 1196 Extran Ma 02 Neutral 1197 Flow Cell Washing Solution ( Random Access ) 1198 Fluid Trioglycollate Medium 1199 Lactose 1200 Fructose 1201 Maltose 1202 Methyl Yellow 1203 Sodium Potassium Tartarate 1204 Sodium Tungstate 1205 Starch 1206 Tartaric Acid 1207 Clinical Pathology - 1208 Acid Glacial Acetic Ar 1209 Acid Hydrochloric Concentrated 36% 1210 Acid Hydrochloric N / 10 1211 Acid Picric 1212 Acid Salicylsulfonic 1213 Aluminium Chloride Anhydrous 1214 Ammonia Liquor Specific Gravity 0.91 1215 Ammonium Alum 1216 Ammonium Chloride 1217 Ammonium Hydroxide 1218 Ammonium Oxalate 1219 Ammonium Sulphate 1220 Barium Chloride Ar 1221 Benzalkonium Chloride With Isopropanol Disinfectant 1222 Benzidine Powder 1223 Carbolic Acid ( Phenol ) 1224 Copper Sulphate Ar 1225 Copper Sulphate Solution Of Specific Gravity 1.053 1226 Csf Proteins ( Turbidimetric ) 1227 Diluent Of Urine For Automated Electrolyte ( Na+ K+ ) Analyser 1228 Dtt ( Di-Thiothreitol ) 1229 Potassium Oxalate Ar 1230 Potassium Permanganate Powder Ar 1231 Resorcinol 1232 Semen Diluting Flulid 1233 Sodium Chloride Ar 1234 Sodium Nitroprusside 1235 Sulphur Powder 500Gm 1236 Thymol ( Alpha Naphthol ) 1237 Cytology - Chemicals 1238 Dpx Mountant 1239 Eosin Azure 36 1240 Giemsa Powder 1241 May-Grunwald''''s Eosin-Methylene Blue Stain Solution 1242 Nigrosin Stain 1243 Osmium Tetroxide Ar 1244 Papain Liquid 1245 Papanicoloau Stain Harris Hematoxylene 1246 Papanicoloau Stain Orange Ii ( Orange G 6 ) 1247 Papanicoloau Stain Polychrome Ea 36 1248 Potassium Carbonate 1249 Potassium Dichromate 1250 Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Ar 1251 Rapid Malaria Jsb Stain - I 1252 Rapid Malaria Jsb Stain - I & Ii Kit 1253 Rapid Malaria Jsb Stain - Ii 1254 Sodium Hypochlorate Solution 5% 1255 Xylene Ar, Sulfur Free 1256 Haematology - Chemicals 1257 Blood Calibrator For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1258 Blood Control For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1259 Blood Control For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1260 Blood Control For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1261 Diluent For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1262 Diluent For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1263 Hemolysate For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1264 Hemolysate For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1265 Leishman Stain Solution, 500Ml 1266 Leishman''''s Eosin-Methylene Blue Stain Powder 1267 Probe Cleaner For Automated Cell Counter 1268 Probe Cleaner For Automated Cell Counter 1269 Reagent & Msds For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1270 Reagent & Msds For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1271 Reagent & Msds For Automatic Blood Cell Counter 1272 Sodium Citrate 3.8% Solution 1273 Sodium Metabisulfite Ar 1274 Sodium Metabisulphate Ar 1275 Trisodium Citrate 1276 Wbc Diluting Fluid ( Turcks ) 1277 Histopathology - Chemicals 1278 Acid Formic 1279 Acid Nitric ( Conc ) 1280 Acid Sulphuric ( Conc ) Ar 1281 Alcian Blue 1282 Alcohol Isopropyl 1283 Basic Fuchsin 1284 Bismarck Brown 1285 Bouin''''s Fixative Solution 1286 Cabol Fuschin Basic ( Strong ) 1287 Carbol Fuchsin Stain Powder 1288 Carbol Fuchsin Stain Solution ( Zn Stain ) Strong 1289 Carmine Stain 1290 Charcoal Activated 1291 Chloroform Ar 1292 Congo Red 1293 Deionized Water ( With Purity / Impurity Certificate ) 1294 Diethyl Ether Ar 1295 Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate Ar 1296 Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Ar 1297 Eosin Alcohol Soluble Powder 1298 Eosin Water Soluble Powder 1299 Ethanol Ar 1300 Ether ( Diethyl ) 1301 Ferric Ammonium Sulphate Ar 1302 Ferric Chloride Ar 1303 Formalin, Formaldehyde 40% 5L. 1304 Formic Acid Ar 1305 Glycerin Ar 1306 Hematoxylene Phosphotungstic Acid 1307 Hematoxylene Powder 1308 Hematoxylene Stain Harris Without Acetic Acid 1309 Hematoxylene Stain, Erhlich''''s 1310 Lab Glassware Cleaning Solution 1311 Liquid Paraffin 1312 Microscopic Oil 1313 Mercuric Chloride Ar 1314 Mercuric Oxide 1315 Methanol 1316 Neutral Red Ar 1317 Oil Red O 1318 Orange G 1319 Orange G 6 1320 Papanicolaou Stain, Ea 36 Solution 1321 Papanicolaou Stain, Og-6 Solution 1322 Paraffin Wax 1323 Paraffin Wax ( 58-60 Deg. C ) 1324 Paraffin Wax Non Caking With Ceresin 1325 Paraffin Wax, Non-Caking, Congealing Point 60°C 1326 Pas / Periodic Acid Schiff Stain 1327 Sudan Iii 1328 Van Gieson Stain Kit 1329 Oil- 1330 Cedarwood Oil 1331 Pg Lab - Chemicals 1332 1-Naphthyl Acetate ( Ar ) 1333 2 Methoxy Ethanol Ar 1334 3.3 Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride 1335 Acid Citric Ar 1336 Acid Orthophosphoric Ar 1337 Acid Oxalic Ar 1338 Acid Periodic Ar 1339 Acid Phosphomolybdic 1340 Acid Phosphotungstic 1341 Acid Phosphatase 1342 Acid Trichloroacetic 1343 Alpha Naphthyl Acetate Ar 1344 Aluminium Hydroxide Gel 1345 Amidoscwarz 10B ( Naphthalene Black 12B ) 1346 Ammonium Acetate 1347 Ammonium Bromide 1348 Aniline Blue 1349 Barbitone 1350 Brilliant Blue Powder ( C37h34n2na2o2s3 ) 1351 Brilliant Cresyl Blue Powder 1352 Calcium Carbonate Ar 1353 Calcium Chloride Ar 1354 Calcium Chloride Fused 1355 Carbon Tetrachloride Ar 1356 Copper Nitrate 1357 Copper Sulphate Anhydrous Ar 1358 Diacetyl Monoxime 1359 Ethanol Dehydrated 1360 Gelatin Ar 1361 Glycerine Ip 1362 Glycine ( Amino Acetic Acid ) 1363 Hyaluronic Acid 1364 L-Naphthyl Acetate ( Ar ) 1365 Lactose Powder Reagent Grade 1366 Lithium Carbonate Ar 1367 Mercuric Oxide Red 1368 Methanol Solution For Leishman Stain Preparation 1369 Methanol, Acetone Free Ar 1370 Methylene Blue Aquous 1371 Paraffin Liquid ( Petrolatum Oil ) 1372 Phenolphthalein Indicator 1373 Potassium Alum Ar 1374 Potassium Chloride 1375 Potassium Diethyl Barbiturate Ar 1376 Potassium Ferrrocyanide 1377 Potassium Hydroxide Ar 1378 Potassium Metabisulphite ( Ar ) 1379 Potassium Nitrate Ar 1380 Sodium Acetate Extrapure 1381 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate Ar 1382 Sodium Benzoate 1383 Sodium Carbonate Ar 1384 Sodium Diethyl Barbiturate Ar 1385 Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate 1386 Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate, 2H2o Ar 1387 Sodium Dithionate Ar 1388 Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Ar 1389 Sodium Hydroxide Flakes 1390 Sodium Nitrate Ar 1391 Sodium Oxalate Ar 1392 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic 1393 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic 1394 Sodium Sulphate 1395 Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous Ar 1396 Sodium Tetraborate ( Borax ) 1397 Sodium Thiosulphate 1398 Sucrose Powder 1399 Tetramethyl Para Phenylene Diaminodihydrochloride 1400 Thio-Semicarbazide 1401 Thionyl Chloride 1402 Research - Chemicals 1403 Imidazole 1404 L-Cystein Hydrochloride Hydrate 1405 L-Cystein Hydrochloride Monohydrate 1406 Modelling Clay 1407 Polyethylene Glycol 1408 Silica Gel 1409 Silver Nitrate Ar 1410 Toluene Ar 1411 Miscellaneous 1412 Grouping Sera Anti A 1413 Grouping Sera Anti B 1414 Grouping Sera Anti D 1415 Sodium Metabisulphate Powder 1416 Methylene Blue Solution 1417 Bouin''''s Fluid Ready Made

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Contract Date 02 Dec 2021

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Awarded Bids List
S.No Bid Number Bidder Name Awarded Currency Awarded Value
1 2341109 LabX INR 100000.00
2 2335756 EXCEL SCIENTIFIC INR 10000.00
3 2333620 ELITE HEALTHCARE INR 5000.00
Contract Value 125,000
Contract Date 02 Dec 2021

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