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Tender Pathology / Bio-Chemistry / Microbiology Investigation Through Out Source F...

Contract Award Notice

TRR 4990891
Organization Medical College
Tender No 4103
Funded By Self-Funded
Country India , Southern Asia
Contract Value 100,000

Work Detail

Tender Pathology / Bio-Chemistry / Microbiology Investigation Through Out Source For The Year 2019-20-2 17 Alfa Hydroxy Progesteron 3 Acid Haemoglobin Electrophoresis 4 Acid Phosphtase 5 Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time ( Aptt / Ptta ) 6 Ada Levels 7 Afb Culture – Automated Methode ( Bactec ) 8 Afb Culture – L-J Methode 9 Afb 5 Drug Sensitivity – Automated Methode ( Bactec ) For Non Mdr ( Sirep ) 10 Afb 5 Drug Sensitivity – L-J Methode For Non Mdr ( Sirep ) 11 Afb 10 Drug Sensitivity – Automated Methode ( Bactec ) For Mdr 12 Afb 10 Drug Sensitivity – L-J Methode For Mdr 13 Afb 20 Drug Sensitivity – L-J Methode For Mdr / Bactec Method 14 Alfa Feto Protein ( Afp ) 15 Alcohol ( Ethanol ) 16 Alkaline Haemoglobin Electrophoresis 17 Alpha 1 Anti Trypsin 18 Alpha 2 Microglobulin 19 Amonia 20 Amylase 21 Ana-6 Profile ( Ss-A, Ss-B, Ro, Jo, Sm, U1 Rnp ) 22 Anaerobic Culture 23 Anca 24 Anca 25 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 26 Anti Acetyl Choline Receptor Antibody 27 Anti Streptolysin ''''O''''titre 28 Anti Cardiolipin Panel ( Iga, Igg, Igm ) – Acla 29 Anti Cysticercal Antibody 30 Anti Double Standard Dna ( Dsdna ) ( Elisa ) 31 Anti Double Standard Dna ( Dsdna ) ( Ifa ) 32 Anti Diuretic Hormone 33 Anti Hav 34 Anti Hcv Antibody 35 Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen 36 Anti Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen –Total Antibodies ( Anti-Hbe ) 37 Anti Hepatitis B Surface Antigen ( Anti Body Hbs ) 38 Anti Hepatitis E Virus –Igg Antibodies 39 Anti Hepatitis E Virus –Igm Antibodies 40 Anti Hev Total Antibodies 41 Anti Islet Cell / Gad Antibody 42 Anti Japanese Encephalitis Igg Antibodies ( Je Igg ) 43 Anti Japanese Encephalitis Igm Antibodies ( Je Igm ) 44 Anti Lkm Antibodies 45 Anti Mitochondrial Antibodies ( Ama ) 46 Anti Nuclear Antibodies ( Ana ) ( Elisa ) 47 Anti Nuclear Antibodies ( Ana ) ( Ifa ) 48 Anti Overian Anti Body 49 Anti Parietal Cell Antibody 50 Anti Phospholipid Igg Antibodies 51 Anti Phospholipid Igm Antibodies 52 Anti Scl-70 Igg 53 Anti Sperm Anti Body 54 Anti Smooth Muscle Antibodies 55 Anti Ss Dna 56 Anti Thyroid Antibody For Detection Of Tpo & Tg Antibodies. 57 Anti Transglutaminase Igg Antibody 58 Antithrombin Iii 59 Apolipoprotein A1 60 Apolipoprotein B 61 Aspergillus Antibodies 62 Auramine Rhodamine Staining For Afb 63 Baribiturate 64 Bcr Abl Quantitative Analysis 65 Benzodiazepine 66 Beta 2 Microglobulin 67 Beta Hcg 68 Bicarbonate 69 Bone Marrow Culture 70 Brucella Antibodies ( Total ) ( B.Abortus & Melitensis ) 71 Brucella Igg Antibodies 72 Brucella Igm Antibodies 73 Buccal Mucosa For Sex Chromatin 74 C3 – Complement 3 75 C4 – Complement 4 76 Ca 125 77 Ca 15-3 78 Ca-19-9 79 Ca-72-4 80 Campylobactor Culture 81 C-Anca 82 Carbamazapine 83 Cardiolipin Antibodies –Iga + Igg+Igm 84 Cd3 / Cd4 / Cd8 85 Cd4 Absolute Count & Percent 86 Cd8-Absolute Count & Percent 87 Cea ( Carcino Embrionic Antigen ) 88 Ceruloplasmin 89 Cervical Swab Culture 90 Chlamydia Pneumoniae Dna Pcr 91 Cholinesterase 92 Cmv Igg 93 Cmv Igm 94 Cortisol 95 C-Peptide 96 Cryptococcus Antigen-Latex ( Qaulitative ) 97 Cryptococcus Antigen Quantitative 98 Csf Streptococcus Group B Antigen 99 Csf Haemophilus Influenza B Antigen 100 Csf Meningococcal Antigen ( A, C, Y, W-135 ) 101 Csf Chloride 102 Csf E.Coli K1 / N.Meningitidis 103 Csf Pneumococcal Antigen 104 Cyclosporine 105 Cystatin C 106 Cysticercus Igg Antibodies 107 Cytogenetics Chorionic Villi ( Cv-St ) 108 Cytogenetics Culture-Amniotic Fluid ( Af-St ) 109 Cytogenetics Karyotyping For Couple ( M / F ) 110 Cytogenetics Karyotyping-Bone Marrow ( Bm-St ) 111 Cytogenetics Karyotyping-Cord Blood ( Cb-St ) 112 Cytogenetics Karyotyping-Peripheral Blood ( Pb-Lt ) 113 Cytomegalo Virus Dna Pcr 114 D- Dimer 115 Dark Ground Microscopy For Sphirochoetes 116 Dengue – Pcr 117 Dengue Rapid-Igg&Igm 118 Digitoxin 119 Digoxin 120 Dihydrotestosterone 121 Diptheria Igg Antibodies 122 Ebstein Barr Virus ( Vca ) Igm Antibodies 123 Echinococcus Igg Antibodies ( Hydatid Serology ) 124 Endomycial Iga Antibodies 125 Entamoeba Histolytica Antibodies 126 Entamoeba Histolytica Pcr 127 Eosinophil Count ( Absolute ) 128 Epstein Barr Virus Dna Pcr 129 Epstein Barr Virus ( Na ) Igg Antibodies 130 Epstein Barr Virus ( Na ) Igm Antibodies 131 Erythropoietin 132 Estradiol ( E-2 ) 133 Factor – V Van Lieden 134 Factor -Ii 135 Factor Xii ( Qualitative ) 136 Factor-Ix Screening 137 Factor-V Screening 138 Factor-Viii Screening 139 Factor--X 140 Fatty Acids 141 Ferritin 142 Fibrinogen 143 Fibrinogen Degradation Product ( Fdp ) 144 Filaria Detection 145 Filarial Antibodies ( W.Bacrofti / Elephantiasis ) 146 Folate 147 Food Allergy Igg ( Cod Fish , Tuna, Shrimp, Blue Mussel, Salmon ) 148 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase ( Ggt ) 149 Gastrin 150 H.Pylori Iga+Igm+Igg Antibodies 151 Haemophilus Influenzae B Igg 152 Haptoglobulin 153 Hbc ( Hepatites B Core Antigen ) 154 Hepatites B Core Antibody ( Igg+Igm ) 155 Hbv Genotyping 156 Hbv Qualitative 157 Hbv Quantitative 158 Hcv Genotyping 159 Hcv Qualitative 160 Hcv Quantitative 161 Helicobacter Pylori Dna Pcr 162 Hepatitis A Virus Pcr 163 Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen ( Hbeag ) 164 Hepatitis C Virus – Total Antibodies ( Hcv ) 165 Hepatitis D Virus Pcr 166 Hepatitis E Virus Pcr 167 Hepatitis E Antigen 168 Hepatitis E Antibody 169 Herpes Simplex Virus I Pcr 170 Herpes Simplex Virus I&Ii Pcr 171 Herpes Simplex Virus Ii Pcr 172 Hgh ( Human Growth Hormone ) 173 High Resolution Banding – Chromosomal Analysis 174 High Sensitive Crp 175 Hiv Genotyping 176 Hiv P24 Antigen 177 Hiv-Integrated Dna Pcr 178 Hiv-Qualitative 179 Hiv-Quantitative ( Viral Load ) 180 Hiv-Western Blott 181 Hla Typing By Pcr Ssp Ab / Dr 182 Hla-B-27 183 Homocysteine 184 Hsv-1 Igg Antibodies 185 Hsv-1 Igm Antibodies 186 Hsv-1&2 Igg Antibodies 187 Hsv-1&2 Igm Antibodies 188 Hsv-2 Igg +Igmantibodies 189 Htlv – I & Ii ( Qualitative ) Rna Pcr 190 Human Herpes Virus – 6 Dna Pcr ( Qualitative ) 191 Human Papilloma Virus Dna Pcr ( Qualitative ) 192 Ige ( Immunoglobin E ) 193 Ihc C-Erb ( Her2neu ) 194 Iimmuno Chemistry Chromogranin 195 Immuno Chemistry Cd31 196 Immuno Chemistry Synaptophysin 197 Immuno Chemistry Cd 99 198 Immuno Chemistry Gfap 199 Immuno Histo Chemistry Ema 200 Immuno Histo Chemistry Er 201 Immuno Histo Chemistry P R 202 Immuno Histo Chemistry Pan B ( Cd3 ) 203 Immuno Histo Chemistry Pan C K 204 Immuno Histo Chemistry Pan T ( Cd 20 ) 205 Immuno Histo Chemistry S-100 Protien 206 Immuno Histo Chemistry Calretinin 207 Immuno Histo Chemistry Cd 15 208 Immuno Histo Chemistry Cd117 209 Immuno Histo Chemistry Cd31 210 Immuno Histo Chemistry -Desmin 211 Immuno Histo Chemistry Lca ( Cd45 ) 212 Immuno Histo Chemistry N S E 213 Immuno Histo Chemistry ( 750*28 ) 214 Immuno Histo Chemistry Vimentin 215 Immuno Histo Chemistry Afp 216 Immuno Histo Chemistry Cd 30 217 Immunofixation Electrophoresis 218 Immunoglobulin A ( Iga ) 219 Immunoglobulin E ( Ige ) 220 Immunoglobulin G ( Igg ) 221 Immunoglobulin M ( Igm ) 222 Immunop Chemistry Cd 68 223 Insulin 224 Iron 225 Iron Binding Capasity 226 Jo-1 Antibodies 227 Lactate Dehydrogenase ( Ldh ) 228 Lactate 229 Leptospira -Igg Antibodies 230 Leptospira Spp Dna Pcr ( Qualitative ) 231 Leptospirosis – Igm Antibodies 232 Lh 233 Lipoprotein – A 234 Lithium 235 Lupus Anticoagulant 236 Lyme Disease Total Antibodies Igg&Igm 237 Magnesium 238 Malaria Igg Antibodies 239 Malaria Antigen 240 Malaria Dna Pcr ( Plasmodium Species Detection & Identification ) 241 Measles Igg Antibodies 242 Measles Igm Antibodies 243 Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Mec A Gene 244 Micro Albuminuria ( 24 Hr Urine ) 245 Microfilaria 246 Mono Spot Test For Infectious Monucleosis 247 Mumps Igg Antibodies 248 Mumps Igm Antibodies 249 Mycobacteria Species-Pcr 250 Mycobacterium Leprae 251 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Dna Pcr 252 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Igg Antibodies 253 Myoglobin 254 N Acetyl Procainamide 255 N-Mid Osteocalcin 256 Opiate 257 Osmotic Fragility 258 Osmolality 259 Osmolality 260 Pan Fungal Pcr 261 P-Anca 262 Papilloma Virus - Pcr 263 Paul Bunnel Test ( Test For Infectious Mononu ) 264 Pertussis Igg Antibodies ( Bordetella Pertussis Igg ) 265 Phencyclidine 266 Phenobarbital 267 Phenytoin 268 Philadelphia Chromosome Screening 269 Phosphorous 270 Phospholipid ( Igg+Igm+Iga ) 271 Plasmodium Falciparum 272 Plasmodium Vivax 273 Pml-Rara Transcript ( Qualitativepcr ) 274 Pneumocystis Carini ( If ) 275 Pneumocystis Carnii 276 Pompe’S Disease 277 Progestrone 278 Prolactin 279 Protein C 280 Protein S 281 Protein Electrophoresis 282 Psa ( Total ) 283 Psa ( Complex ) 284 Pth 285 Rf Lgg Antibodies 286 Rf Lgm Antibodies 287 Rnp / Sm Igg Antibodies 288 Rubella Virus – Igg+Igm Antibodies 289 Shbg 290 Salmonella Vi Antibody ( Tube Agglutination ) 291 Semen Analysis 292 Semen Culture 293 Skin Clipping For Afb ( M.Leprae ) Smear 294 Slide Review With Blocks 295 Ssa 296 Ssb 297 Scl 70 298 Sm ( Smith ) Igg Antibodies 299 Special Staining Of Stool Samples For Crypto 300 Ss-A ( Ro ) Igg Antibodies 301 Ss-B ( La ) Igg Antibodies 302 Staphylococcus Aureus Mec A Fem B Gene 303 Stone Analysis 304 Strep Grouping 305 Streptococus Pneumonlae Dna Pcr 306 Swab Culture ( Any Body Fluid ) 307 Thyriod Panel-1 ( T3+T4+Tsh ) 308 Thyriod Panel-2 ( Ft3, Ft4 , Tsh ) 309 Thyriod Peroxidase 310 T3+T4 311 Tsh 312 Testosterone 313 Testosterone- Free 314 Tetanus Igg Antibodies ( Clostridium Tetani ) 315 Theophyline 316 Thrombin 317 Torch Panel – 5 Igg 318 Torch Panel – 5 Igm 319 Torch Panel – 8 ( Igg & Igm ) 320 Torch Panel -10 ( Igg & Igm ) 321 Total Iron Binding Capacity ( Tibc ) 322 Toxoplasma Ig G 323 Toxoplasma Ig M 324 Tpha 325 Trans Glutaminase 326 Transferrin 327 Triple Marker ( Afp, Oestriol, Beta Hcg ) 328 Triglycerides 329 Tropionin 330 Tuberculosis –Iga Antibodies 331 Tuberculosis Igg Antibodies 332 Tuberculosis Igm Antibodies 333 Tuberculosis Iga+Igm+Igg Antibodies 334 Typhid ( Igg+Igm ) 335 Urine For Haemoglobinuria Screening 336 Valproic Acid 337 Vanilmandelic Acid ( Vma ) 338 Varicella Zoster Igg+Igm+Iga Antibodies 339 Vit B12 340 Vitamin B6 341 Vitamin C 342 Vitamin D 343 Vitamin E 344 Vitamin K 345 Weil Felix Test 346 Western Blot For Hiv Confirmation 347 Yersinia Culture 348 Zinc 349 Anemia Panel 2 ( Vit B12 And Folic Acid ) 350 Anemia Panel I ( Cbc, Crp, Tibc, Iron, Ferritin, Iron Saturation %, Vit B12 And Folic Acid ) 351 Anemia Profile ( Cbc, Crp, Serum Iron, Tibc, Ferritin ) 352 Antiphospolipid Syndrome Panel ( Anti Phospolipid Abs, Cardiolipin Abs, Lupus Anticoagulant ) 353 Auto Immune Panel 1 ( Ana, Dsdna, C3, C4 ) 354 Auto Immune Panel 2 ( Anca, Ana, Asma ) 355 Clotting Disorder Panel 1 ( Protein -C, Protein-S, Antithrombin 3 ) 356 Clotting Disorder Panel 2 ( Protein-C, Protein -S, Antithrombin 3, Lupus Anticoagulant, Homocystine ) 357 Clotting Disorder Panel 3 ( Protein-C, Protein-S, Antithrombin 3, Antiphospolipid Abs, Lupus Anticoagulant, Cardio Lipin Abs 358 Clotting Disorder Panel 4 ( Protein-C, Protein-S, Antithrombin 3, Factor V Van Leiden Pcr ) 359 Clotting Disorder Panel 5 ( Protein C, Proteins, Antithrombin 3, Factor V Van Leiden Pcr, Activated Protein C Resistence ) 360 Fertility Panel-1 ( Fsh, Lh, Prolactin ) 361 Fertility Panel -2 ( Fsh, Lh, Prolactin, Estridiol, Tsh ) 362 Fertility Panel-3 ( Fsh, Lh, Prolactin, Testesterone Free And Total ) 363 Fertility Panel-4 ( Dheas-Sulphate ) 364 Genotyping Panel 1 ( Hbv Quantitative, And Hbv Genotyping ) 365 Genotyping Panel 2 ( Hcv Quantitative, And Hcv Genotyping ) 366 Hemophilia Panel ( Aptt, Factor Viii And Ix ) 367 Hepatitis Confirmation Panel ( Hbv Pcr And Hcv Pcr ) 368 Hepatitis Detection Panel 1 ( Hav Igm, Hbsag, Hbcore Igm, Hcv Igg, Hev Igg, Igm ) 369 Hepatitis Monitor ( Hbv Pcr Quantitative, Hcv Pcr Quantitative ) 370 Hepatitis Pcr Panel 2 ( Hav Pcr, Hdv Pcr, Hev Pcr ) 371 Hepatitis Pcr Panel1 ( Hbv Pcr And Hdv Pcr ) 372 Hirsutisam Panel ( Tsh, And Dheas ) 373 Hiv Accurate Panel ( Hiv 1& 2 Abs, P24 Antigen ) 374 Hiv Associated Infections Panel ( Hiv Dna Pcr, Hsv Igm 1& Hsv Igm 2, Myco Igm ) 375 Hiv Confirmation Panel ( Hiv Dna Pcr, Hiv 1&2 Abs ) 376 Hiv Early Screen ( Hiv 1&2 Abs, P24 Antigen ) 377 Hiv Monitor ( Viral Load + Cd4 / Cd8 Count ) 378 Immunoglobulin Igg, Igm, Iga 379 Kidney Panell-2 ( Mdrd Gfr ( Creatinine ) 380 Lupus Anticoagulant Panel ( Aptt, Pt, La ) 381 Pre Operative Panel-1 ( Pt, Aptt, Platelet ) 382 Secondary Abs Panel ( Ss-A, Ss-B, Scl-70, Rnp / Sm Igg Ab ( U1snrnp ) , Jo-1 ) 383 Sle Profile ( Ss-A ( Ro ) Igg, Ss-B ( La ) , Smigg, U1 Rnp Antibodies, Ds-Dna ) 384 Sub Infertility Panel ( Chromosomal Karyotyping ( Male And Female Both ) And Antiphospholipid Abs, Lupus Anticoagulant, Cardiolipin Abs For Female 385 Troponins 386 Tb Serology Panel ( Myco Igg, Igm, Iga ) 387 Thalassemia Panel 1 ( Cbc , Iron, Tibc, Hb Electrophorsis ) 388 Thalassemia Panel 2 ( Cbc, Iron, Tibc, Hb Electrophorsis, Sickle Cell Trait Pcr ) 389 D-Dimer 390 Serum Igm Anti Hbc 391 Serum Anti Hbe Antibody 392 Serum Anti Hbs Titer 393 Serum Anti Iga Anti Ttg + Dgp 394 Fluid Ascitic Fluid Ada 395 Swine Flu Igm, Igg Antibody 396 Stool Fecal Colprotectin 397 Aptt

Key Dates

Contract Date 01 Jun 2021

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Awarded Bids List
S.No Bid Number Bidder Name Awarded Currency Awarded Value
2 170512 SHREE DIAGNOSTIC INR 800.00
Contract Value 100,000
Contract Date 01 Jun 2021

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