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Contract Award For Services For Repair And Maintenance Of Motor Vehicles And Related Equip...

Contract Award Notice

TRR 19867696
Organization Комунальне некомерційне підприємство Рожнятівська багатопрофільна лікарня Рожнятівської селищної ради
Tender No UA-2024-07-25-003265-a
Funded By Self-Funded
Country Ukraine , Eastern Europe
Contract Value 102

Work Detail

Contract Award For Services For Repair And Maintenance Of Motor Vehicles And Related Equipment (Technical Inspection Of The Car; Replacement Of Engine Oil; Replacement Of The Oil Filter; Replacement Of The Air Filter) Services For Repair And Maintenance Of Motor Vehicles And Related Equipment (Technical Inspection Of The Vehicle; Replacement Of Engine Oil; Replacement Of Oil Filter; Air Filter Replacement) Classification According To Dk 021:2015: 50110000-9 - Repair And Maintenance Services Of Motor Vehicles And Related Equipment

Key Dates

Contract Date 25 Jul 2024

Contact Information

Company Name ПП 'GARAGE 13'
Contract Value 102
Contract Date 25 Jul 2024

Complete details of the selected Tender
Organisation Name : Vijaya Bank
Organisation Type : Public Sector Banks Ministry : Ministry of Finance
Tender Ref. No : DIT/DELHIARMB/07052016/1
Tender Title : E-Auction Sale Notice for the properties of M/s Guru Kripa Iron Trading Pvt Ltd, mortgaged to Vijaya Bank and taken possession under the provisions of SARFAESI Act 2002.
Product Category : Land/Building
Sub Category :
Tender Value (INR if not mentioned):
Rs 1,62,00,000/-
Document Cost :
Tender Type : Auction
Location : Delhi
Announcement Date :
Publication Date on Portal: 5-July-2016 At : 8:03:09 PM  
Last Date of Document Collection :  
8-August-2016 Up To : 5:00 PM  
Last date for  
Submission :
8-August-2016 Up To : 5:00 PM  
Opening Date : 10-August-2016 At : 11:00 AM  
Work Description :
Pre-Qualification :
PreBid Meet Date : --
Tender Document : View Document *
Bid Document : Document Not available
Tech. Document : Document Not available
Sector : Banking, Finance & Insurance
State : Karnataka
For further Information Contact:
Name : Santhosh Aili
E-Mail :
Phone Office : 08025584066
Fax : 08025582747
Address :
City : Bangalore

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