Contract Award Notice |
TRR | 14277385 |
Organization | Коммунальное государственное казенное предприятие Дворец школьников имени М.М.Катаева управления образования Павлодарской области, акимата Павлодарской области |
Tender No | 990240004211/230106/00 |
Funded By | Self-Funded |
Country | Kazakhstan , Central Asia |
Contract Value | 64 |
Work Detail |
Contract Award For Hydroponic Liquid Fertilizer Kit. Universal Three-Component Fertilizer. Chelated Compounds, Submicronutrients, Organic Buffers. 60 ml. - 1 piece, complex water-soluble mineral fertilizer containing trace elements. Dedicated to all types of vegetables, seedlings, green, fruit and berry crops, garden and home flowers. Contains Chelated Microelements.. Contains: Potassium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Boron And Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc And Molybdenum, Sulphur. Volume 100 Grams-5 Pieces, Live Fertilizer Vegetables. The volume is 500 ml. Composition: Amino acids, Peptides, Polysaccharides, Vitamins. Macroelements: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium. Microelements: Sulfur, Zinc, Magnesium, Uri, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Molybdenum, Cobalt. - 1 pcs. |
Key Dates |
Contract Date | 18 Aug 2023 |
Contact Information |
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